Chapter Twelve

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The pitter patter of feed became heavier and louder as my two boys came running in. I looked over my shoulder to give both of them a warm smile as I was still stood in the large doorway with the tray and tea and biscuits that my father asked me to prepare. Both boys quickly glanced at me but their eyes widened and their smiles got bigger and wider as soon as they caught on to the unexpected guest in the sun lounge. 

"Aunty Ree!" They both shouted in glee as they rushed by me. They both ignored me, it was like I was part of the furniture as they ran towards her and jumped over the sofa and into her arms. I heard her back a small grunt which turned into a quick chuckle. Even though I was sad they forgot about me, I couldn't help but smile at the scene in front of me as Ree swung her arms around them and embraced them in a tight hug. 

"Jojo, James, I missed you so much!" She chants. 

"Not as much as me." James protests. 

"Nah-uh don't listen to him Aunty. He's lying I missed you more!" Jojo pouts over her shoulder. Both boys are trying to nudge the other out of the out the way, trying to steal the attention of the leading lady. 

"Both of you lie! I missed you both so much more." She playfully growls at them, she pulls her hands back and starts tickling the boys sides. Even though they were both teenage boys, she still managed to bring the children in them. They were always so playful when they were together. 

"What am I a sitting duck? Your dad is right here and your arguing over who missed Ree the best." I fake a pout in their direction

All three of them give me the same look, a glare as if to tell me to keep quiet. "No Dad you kinda look like a butler with that tea tray in your hand." James cheekily replies. 

"Why you little-" I start to say but I'm interrupted by the musical sound of my families laughter. 

"James is right you do look like a butler." Ree tilts her head. "Now hurry up and give me my tea Jeeves. It's then that the smile is wiped off my face and I start muttering under my breath as I make my way to the table and sofa's. As Ree turns away from me, both my boys stick their tongue out at me and snuggle into her side. 

My boys are probably the only good thing that came out out of my relationship with Liza, they were twins and were my favourite part of each day. I couldn't go long periods without seeing. Both of them were so similar in terms of personality and looks but they were equally different in their likes and dislikes. Fortunately both boys took after me in the looks and personality area, the only thing that they seemed to have in common with their mother were their eyes. Sometimes I struggled to tell them apart, I know I am not the only one as teachers have often called me to say they don't which was one was in trouble because they would never give a straight answer. Somehow, Ree was only of the only people who was always able to differentiate between the two. She was never able to fall for their tricks, I think that's what made us love her even more. Especially when their own mother mixed up their names all the time. 

"Aunty Ree, why are you here? Dad didn't tell us you were coming?" Jojo, which is short for Joseph asked. 

"I don't think your dad even knew I was planning this trip. It was a surprise for us all. Even me." She whispered loud enough for us to hear. She pulled the arm that was around Jojo, pulling him closer to her side and she placed a soft kiss on his forehead.

James looked up at Ree and i can see that he has a confused look on his face, it's like he is trying to decipher her. James has always been the most sensitive out of the twins. He has always had this knack for reading people, since he was little. A part of me wonders if it has something to do with Liza. He always told me that he was the oldest and would always protect his younger brother from harm. 

"How long will Aunty Ree be staying with us dad?" James questioned as he looked me take my seat opposite Ree, where my dad was pushed to as the boys woke up. 

"For as long as she wants son." I say with a smile. 

"Oh no." James grumbles. 

"What's wrong sweetheart?" Ree worriedly asks. 

James looks down at his interlocked fingers which were twiddling back and forth. I can see that there is something bothering him on his face but he seems reluctant to answer. "Erm. Erm. Erm." He starts stuttering. 

Ree looks at him with concern and worry in her eyes. I know she hates seeing the boys like this and she hates when they keep secrets from her, especially after what Liza did. She gently turns towards him and gently holds him by his shoulders, looking him deeply in the eye with the most sincere look on his face. "Sweetheart, you know you can tell me anything right? You know that I will never heart you or be angry at you for sharing your worries with me? If it's something you don't want to tell me, you can tell your dad? You know that right?" She reassures with a smile. 

With that James gave her a soft smile, one that didn't quite reach his eyes but he nodded her and she let out a sigh of relief. I didn't know what was bothering him so much, so I decided to get him away from Ree and question him further. "Hey James, can you come help me make breakfast, we don't want Ree getting hungry now do we?" I jested. With that he shook his head and followed me into the kitchen. 

I got down on my knees after I closed the kitchen door so that I was eye level with my son. I wanted to know what was making him feel so uncomfortable. "What's going on Son?" I questioned. 

"Do you promise you won't tell Aunty Ree? I don't want to upset her." He said with this sad look on his face. 

"I promise, unless it's something that I really need to tell her but I won't do that without talking to you first, is that okay?" I softly reply.

He starts biting his lip, hesitating for a moment before he nods. "I don't want Aunty's husband to come, he always makes Aunty sad and I don't like it. He's not a nice person and she doesn't need him in her life" He responds. 

I can't help but let out a bellowed laugh out. I pull him tightly to my chest and give him a smack of kiss on his forehead. Like I said before, my son has excellent instincts and is a great judge of character. "You don't need to worry about Lewis son, I don't think any of us will be seeing him for a while. Not even Aunty." I place my chin on his head as my arms are wrapped around his body and I bring my lips to his ear and whisper a well known secret, that everyone knows when they meet Renee and Lewis. "Your right she doesn't need him. I'll tell you another well known secret. He doesn't deserve your Aunty." 

With that I enjoy the best affection of this earth, the one shared between a father and son. 

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