Chapter 2

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I heard a phone ring before the man's soft and warm lips gently pressed on my forehead. I couldn't see his whole face clearly because of our position, but I managed to see how perfect his prominent nose was.

"Got to go." His voice was low, deep, and cold.

My eyes blinked as the rays of the sun hit my face when he moved and left. 

"Ingrid, you're here!" Someone called my name which made me turn to my left.

There, I saw my old friend walking towards me. It was Macey, the granddaughter of our nation's president. We used to hang out before I got kidnapped two years ago.

I blinked as I let go of the rose on the ground. How many minutes was I stunned that I didn't even realize that Macey was coming to me?

"Hello, Ingrid! I missed you! Let's go to our school together!" Macey pulled me by the right hand. She didn't notice the rose that fell at her feet.

I went with her but I was still uneasy. I unconsciously touched my forehead. I could still feel the soft and warm lips of the man who placed there a gentle kiss.

But where is he now? Why did he suddenly disappear?



I was already home yet my mind was elsewhere. It was late in the evening and my body was worn out from the day's episode, yet here I was wide awake.

A.W. Just who the hell are you?

I hid that mysterious man's note in my drawer. My heart was pounding as I touched my neck. The concealer I used to cover the tattoo had faded and the barcode could be seen.

I glanced at my one-year-old little brother, Baby Aki, who was also still up playing inside his crib. His chubby cheeks bounced as he gnawed on his toy.

I stepped towards him and watched him play. "Hello, handsome baby!"

He ignored me but continued gnawing his toy, drool dribbling on his chin from his cherry-red lips.

"Why are you still awake, baby?" I reached for him and patted his head. "How would you grow if you don't sleep?"

His sharp nose was prominent even as a baby. His eyes had strong hints of gray. 

I feasted my eyes on him – something I wouldn't grow tired of. It was heartwarming when he turned his head my way and smiled at me.

"I love you so much, my baby," I said with a smile.

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