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~ Annalise

Awkward silence hangs within the car as only the muted sound of the radio playing some rap song and the rain pelting against the window is heard.

I stare at the road ahead, sitting stiff in the seat. Why does it smell so strongly of chocolate?

Glancing around my eyes finally land on Gracie. I see her in the backseat eating a comically sized chocolate bar.

Where the fuck did that thing come from. Her big eyes meet mine and she smiles. Some chocolate is on the corners of her mouth.

"You want some?" She reaches out her arm and shoves the chocolate in my face.

I look at it, then to her, then back to the chocolate.

Eh, why not. I shrug, snap off a piece and take a bite. "Thanks," I say. She nods and takes another large piece to eat.

Reed takes his eyes off the road and looks back at Gracie for a split second. "Gracie what did I tell you?"

She pushes her large glasses up her nose. "To wait until after dinner," her voice becomes quieter.

He tiredly sighs. "Put it away. And you can't eat that whole thing, you'll get sick."

I turn my head to her and she frowns before wrapping up the chocolate again and placing it on the car seat.

"May I ask why that chocolate bar is huge?" I look to Reed.

His lips turn up slightly. "I saw it at the store and Gracie loves chocolate so I thought I'd get it." He shrugs.

The corner of my lip slightly lifts up.

"Anise do you like chocolate?" Gracie asks.

I wait a second before responding. "I love it. Chocolate beats vanilla any day." I turn my head to look at her and her eyes light up.

"See Reed! I told you! Chocolate always wins." Gracie sticks her head in between the two front seats and looks to Reed before pulling his ear playfully.

He swats her away and continues keeping his eyes focused on the road.

"You guys are just weird," Reed mutters.

I whip my head towards him. "Oh and what? Are you the type to like pistachio ice cream or some shit?"

"Hey that's a bad word!" Gracie looks to me.

"Oh fuck-" I place my hand over my mouth. Reed snorts. "I mean shit-" Fuck.

"Crap. I meant crap." Reed laughs quietly. A smirk stays spread across his face and I watch as his tongue run across his teeth.

"Oh fuck off-" I slap my hand over my mouth again. Shit. Wait no-

Gracie begins cackling in the back seat. Her giggles making me smile.

I rub my forehead. Shit I'm tired.

"Anise!" She exclaims in between giggles.

Reed is still chuckling in the drivers seat. Two light dimples poking into his cheeks as he laughs.

He runs his hand through his messy brown hair. "Good job, Anise."

I purse my lips. Fuck my life.

"And for your information, no, I don't like pistachio ice cream. I prefer cookies and cream. It tastes the best and anyone who doesn't like it is just wrong." He shrugs.

My mouth goes ajar. "Wrong? How- You know what I'm not even gonna start." I wave my hand.

He grins.

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