13. Finally ( The End)

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At four in the afternoon, Casper entered the cafe with a group of people his age. Turns out they were doing a group project and before she knew it Jamie was once again staring at Casper. Through her staring, Jamie noticed that a girl was always clinging to Casper which irritated her at a maximum level, which made her pause. ‘Wait why am I annoyed at them? Casper and I aren’t going out’ As soon as she thought that, a pang went through Jamie’s heart making her eyes widen with realization. ‘Oh shit, I like him’

Jamie watched their interaction coldly and ignored Casper when the group left. Casper and his group continued to work on their project at the cafe for a few days and Jamie learned that the clingy girl’s name was Kiera. Every time Kiera clings to Casper and he allows it Jamie becomes even colder to him which confused and bothered Casper to no end but he wasn’t able to do anything because of the group project.

At last the day came when Casper and his group finally finished their project, his classmates all went home but he stayed and waited for Jamie to close up the cafe. Jamie locked the doors and was putting the keys in her bag when a voice startled her.

“Did I put gum in your coffee?” Casper asked from where he was leaning on the wall beside the cafe doors.

“No” Jamie answered blandly and started walking with Casper following right beside her.

“Did I stick papers on your back?”


“Did I put tissues in your hood?”


“Then what did I do?” Casper asked frustratingly, stopped walking and pulled Jamie’s hand to stop her from walking too.

“Nothing” Jamie looked back at him irritatingly.

“Then why are you being like this?” Casper asked desperately, he couldn’t handle the cold treatment anymore.

“I should be the one asking what’s your relationship with that clingy Kiera!” Jamie suddenly burst out rendering Casper speechless. Jamie’s eyes widened knowing she just spilled her guts out. Casper recovered from his shock and slowly smiled.

“Wait, are you, jealous?” Casper asked with a smug smile.

“No!!” Jamie shrieked with her face steadily getting redder.

“For real?! Wait, you’re jealous of kiera?!” Casper looked at Jamie amused.

“I said no!!” Jamie continued to deny but her red face told Casper otherwise.

“Then why are you like that?” Casper leaned closer to Jamie’s face with a teasing smile.

“I..I…Ugh! Fine! I’m jealous now what?!” Jamie blustered out in embarrassment.

“I like you” Casper said looking straight at Jamie with a serious face, his teasing replaced with a nervous expression.

“Shut-!…wait what?” Jamie just barely managed to register his words from her own loud heartbeat.

“I like you” Casper said again looking at Jamie expectantly. Jamie’s thoughts all came to an abrupt stop and only those three words echoed in her mind repeatedly.

“What about you, do you like me?” Casper asked with a hopeful but nervous expression and Jamie snapped.

“Umphf!” Was all Casper could get out before he was tugged down and kissed by a red faced Jamie.

“Is that answer enough?” Jamie asked after she let go of Casper’s collar.

“Nope! I need to hear it” Casper beamed at Jamie who sighed in defeat.

“I like you Casper, maybe even long before I realized it” Jamie smiled at Casper who smiled back at her.

“But seriously who’s that guy that gave you his number?” Casper’s smile dropped at his question and narrowed his eyes at Jamie who burst out laughing.

“It’s not funny! I really thought he would take you away from me you know? Giggling in front of him like he just told you the funniest joke in the world” Casper sulked.

“He was just a businessman that wanted to work with us, he was opening a store nearby and wanted to sell our pastries there” Jamie explained to a still unsatisfied Casper.

“Then why were you giggling?” Casper asked still suspicious, which made Jamie pinch his cheeks.

“You’re cute when you’re jealous” Jamie stated and watched as Casper’s ears went red.

“Don’t change the subject” Casper stated in a faux upset voice, trying his best not to smile.

“He was just saying how the pastries we made were one of the best he has tasted in his life and told a corny joke” Jamie explained again and turned to look at Casper when something soft and warm landed on her cheek. Casper pulled away with a smug smile and held Jamie’s hand.

“Ok, shall we go now?” Casper said as he gently pulled a red faced Jamie along.

“Stop that” Jamie stated in a small voice as they began walking again.

“You’re the one who started it” Casper said with a smirk and Jamie just knew that her life was going to be a little more interesting starting then.

...........................The End…………............

A/N: This is already the end of Casper and Jamie's story and I thank you for reading until the end.

If you liked The Morning Train please consider reading my other stories thanks.^_________^

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