Schminke // Mine

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Did you know you're the reason
I started smoking?

I bought my first pack of cigarettes after we had a big fight and you had blocked me.

Marlboro gold,
As it's the cigarettes you always used to smoke.

I devoted my whole life to you,
And my whole wellbeing depended on you

You helped me through the worst part of my life;
You build me up when I had no one.
You where there for me in my darkest hours

And I think you saved my life when I couldn't carry it myself.

You weren't a good person.
And we always fought.

We weren't good for each other.

And strangely I kind of miss what we had.

The most intense friendship.

But we were never soulmates;
We were toxicity in the purest form
And codependency

And I know I played my part in this.

We left apart
after you destroyed us both;

Crash and burn.

And we will never be the same.

We both moved on

Then you came back into my life

With genuine apologies & shit.

And I know you mean well,
You never wanted to hurt me intentionally;
and I didn't either.

I'm pretty sure we played major roles in our lives;

And from there on we both changed so much;
Became better people

But I don't know if we will ever see each other again

Or if we should.

I'm forever grateful for the times we've spent.

The evenings I stayed at your place
Both of us sitting on the floor
Till the trains started driving again at 5 am.

I've always been loving you from a distance

And deep down I still love and care for you deeply

- But we're going nowhere.

And maybe it's time to finally let you go.

I'm proud of the person you've become
And I know you do the same with me.

I will always think of you fondly
And I hope the universe treats you well.

Goodbye, Leo. It's time//

Memoires of an everchanging spiritOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant