Chapter 10: Bloody Hands

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Everyone's heads bobbed up and down as the plane landed on the runway, using its wing flaps to reduce lift. It felt like a roller coaster, then stopping really fast. Once the plane could drive slowly on the runway, the captain spoke on the microphone. "Welcome to Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India, the temperature is thirty degrees celsius and rainy. Please stay seated until the seatbelt sign is off. Thank you for flying with Japan Airlines, we hope to fly with you again soon."

When the plane parked at the gate and the ground crew began doing maintenance on it, the passengers were allowed to get off. Mercury went straight to her next terminal, where she will fly to Dali, China.

It was nighttime now, and her stomach ached for food. She quickly ate at an Indian restaurant inside the airport and went back to her terminal, where the airline began boarding people. This time, her seat was in the middle of the plane, next to an emergency exit.

After preparation for take-off, the plane finally got in the air after forty minutes of waiting.

In the middle of the flight, flight attendants gave passengers a small, red box full of Japanese candies and snacks. The box contained roasted soybeans, rice cakes, wagashi, and gummy candy. They came around a second time and gave everyone a foam cup of hot green tea.

The flight lasted for thirteen hours and forty-one minutes. Since the flight was so long, flight attendants did some exercises and stretched with the passengers, and handed out free meals and snacks to everyone.

Mercury felt disgusting. She felt as if she was hit by a bus. I could smell myself and I smell gross, and I didn't even brush my teeth. I smell like BO and dried sweat. Luckily, I got first-class seating on the next flight, so I will have my own private space and a small shower.

She checked her watch for the time: 12:35. Oh no, they're boarding now! Speed walking to the gate, she pushed by people to get to her destination. Once at the gate and scanned her ticket, she jogged down the jet bridge and walked up the plane's stairs, then was seated by a flight attendant in a small suite with privacy walls around it. The suite had a cushioned seat that could turn into a bed, a TV, a mini-fridge, a fold-out table, and two outlets. It was very spacious, with enough space for her to stretch her legs out without touching the wall. Under the seat was an amenity kit with soaps, slippers, a robe, and a towel.

After the plane took off and the captain turned off the seatbelt sign, Mercury went to the bathroom, bringing the soaps and towel from under the seat with her.

The bathroom was spotless and had a small shower and vanity, perfect for one person. Mercury hung the towel on a towel rack, suddenly realizing she didn't have any other clothes to put on after. All of her clothes were in her duffel bag, which was stored away somewhere on the plane. Ew, that means I have to wear these sweaty clothes again. Hang on... Under the vanity was a red shirt that said "Japan Airlines" in white letters and black sweatpants, all in different sizes. That was a close one.

Back at her seat, flight attendants were taking orders for food from other passengers. Mercury felt refreshed and clean after the shower, not smelling like a pig anymore. The designer clothes the airline gave her were surprisingly comfortable and breathable.

"Can I get you anything to eat?" a flight attendant offered, giving her a menu.

"Sure." She read the menu. The only dish that looked appetizing was Yakitori. When she was nine years old, four months before her parents died, she went to a Japanese restaurant and tried traditional Japanese dishes. All of them were disgusting, except for teriyaki chicken and rice. The fishiness in the sushi made her spit it out in the restroom. That was one of the worst foods she'd ever had.

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