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"the freckles on your skin remind me that the universe took its time crafting you and I'm so honored to appreciate such a masterpiece" paige west some may say a broken girl who carry's herself well but you about to know the whole truth.

I'm Paige West and i'm going to catch you up on how I'm moving into my summer house in outer banks first.

Firstly my farther works a lot.When you hear people say "find a job you love" my farther sure did, he doesn't stop working, of course he still makes time for me and my older brother and also my mother but you can say he is passionate about working.

This is the reason we are moving from the Bahamas to Outer banks.

My dad used to live in Outer banks his parents still do but once money came in my dad wanted to move with my mother to start fresh.

My dad was self made rich it wasn't his parents, he worked his butt off to get us where we all are today.

My dad says that his parents live on the cut, south side.

My dads work mate as I call him is Ward Cameron he also has a summer house in the Bahamas which is next to my soon to be ex house.

You may be thinking how are they work mates if they live across sea from each other. It's because my dad used to live there meaning he knew Ward from his childhood. There's a list of ways they contact each other Phone, mainly meet-ups but we also go to our summer house a lot which is outer banks.

I'm close with Wards kids Rafe, Layla, Sarah and Wheezie because of last summer we stayed there for a long time. I was around 15 years old.

As I was there for a while I made friends their names was John b I meet his dad he was nice me and John b got on well our friendship was "if you do it I'll do it" type, Pope who was kind of similar to me actually, we talked about stuff that the other two boys didn't quite understand.The thing is with Pope was that our family's was close as my dads parents lived on the cut this made my dad close to Pope dad this meant our dads grew up together this meant that our parents liked to catch up so Pope would come around my place. Lastly Jj, blondie I used to call him we had a thing going on but I'll tell you more about that later.

Also I was mainly close with Layla Cameron she understood me like nobody else she knew all my little secrets.

That summer was one of the best summer I've had hanging out with the pogues every day. I actually can't remember why they was called that but I can remember rightly them saying pogues vs kooks.

I understood the term kooks very well as Rafe would always remind me.

I think it was a name for their class, which is their level of richness.

My brother was friends with Rafe which lead him to be friends with Rafes friends, they was like a gang by the end of summer.

While I had that thing going on with Jj he would always tell me that I shouldn't hang out with Rafe as Kooks was bad people, I understood that they was enemies and all but I still had to be friends with Rafe as he was Family friend.

Jj got jealous whenever I spoke to any male sort.

Let's just say I did a lot for Jj, I jumped off a yacht that I was on with family trust me I was grounded for a long time after that a funny story I'll go into further detail another time, surfed a lot, he would always come over my house, I also give him my favourite necklace which I doubt he still wears but he give me a black bracelet and a shark tooth necklace I still wear them. I haven't taken it off since.

Everything good has to come to an end.

My family told me we was going back to the Bahamas that same day we did, I didn't get to say goodbye to the boys which still upsets me to this day I cannot imagine what they thought of me mainly Jj.

I haven't spoken to any of them since and honestly I cannot see them wanting to speak to me when I move back.

That leaves me here age 16 about to fully go move to outer banks. It didn't take my dad much to convince my mother as one it was closer to her parents home and two she prefers the house in outer banks.

I've had to say goodbye to all of my friends it makes it less hard knowing they are all a phone call or a message away.

Mainly all of the house had already been shipped over to outer banks all my clothes had except for a few that I could wear this week and my make up bag.

I kept one outfit out and sliders and my make up back which I can simply slip into my suitcase of clothes in the morning.

I'm now sat reading in my bed in the Bahamas for the last time with my golden retriever milo. Milo has slept at the end of my bed since I've had him.

Meaning I can't sleep with out someone or something in my bed.

I put the book down and then the lamp off closing my eyes tightly forcing myself to go to bed to wake up tomorrow early to leave.

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