Chapter 36

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"We've got more fund and equities, smart thing to do would be to divide them appropriately and invest them into the other branches of Knight Enterprises, Ooo and I also think we need to up our PR and publicity, the media is digging around for more news regarding the Knight Enterprises, lets feed some to them; make revenue off of those vultures, what say Hayds?" Skylar speaks steadily in front of me and I manage to nod in response.

"Good. dad agrees as well. Sam is in charge of the PR and publicity so we'll leave its accounting and the books on Avery's plate. She's been remarkable so far. Father's really impressed, he wants your bride to walk on this next big Knight project as well; he's confident it'll take off. Absolutely positive, that is."

I nod again, everything Skylar is right now 'informing' me of, has been decided and put into motion by me, its comical almost that she thinks I am not aware of every little detail that goes in and out of my office.

She continues speaking and agreeing with more of my blueprints and decisions before realizing that I am not even listening to her, my attention devoted entirely elsewhere.
Too distracted to even ask her to shut the fuck up.

"Hayden? Hayden? Hellloooo Earth to Hayden" she dramatically lets out, waving her hands in front of my face.

What she doesn't realize is that if she has something actually worthwhile to speak about then I'll listen to her, in the meantime I am happy doing exactly what it is that I am doing. Not giving a single flying fuck.

She sighs deeply with frustration and impatience before leaning against her seat and finally turns around to have a look at what's been keeping me occupied.

She doesn't say anything for a while, a soft faint smile on her face as she just quietly watches me watching Avery.
Avery. She's speaking to a colleague, instructing them and busy in her work. Everyone who works with her or under her has nothing but utmost respect for her. Even after Olivia's attempt towards bringing her shame regarding her character and work ethic, anyone who has actually had the pleasure to interact with Avery has borne only respect and admiration for her.
Anyone else who disagrees is more than welcome to deal with me if they have anything but this to speak of her. She's sincere and polite, firm yet kind, she gets things done right and done on time and yet leaves no one behind. She's perfect, and I can't believe I get to call her mine.

She looks absolutely breathtaking just standing there, guiding, helping, leading people. Hell, I am even jealous of how all those people who work under her get to spend more time with her than I do. How the fuck is that fair?

I watch her like an idiot, as she laughs politely at something someone says, how she softly throws back her head and her hair sways softly at the movement, her eyes crinkling as she laughs, her lips forming a crescent so beautifully breathtaking, so very iridescent,  the moon would be envious of the girl that the stars stop to gaze at themselves.

"You are so in love with her."

What the fuck?

I snap my eyes at Skylar who's smiling softly looking at me.


"God Hayden don't even attempt to disagree, you can't even get your eyes off her and that's not it; the thing is you don't even want to."

"Shut the fuck up Skye, you don't know what you're talking about. I don't--"

"My god, you can't even say that you don't, can you?" She says knowing exactly what she's playing at.

"Hayden you deserve love. You deserve to know what it's like to love someone and you deserve to be loved.
Love is a beautiful, powerful, all-consuming, overpowering emotion but it's not just that; it's peace, it's comfort, it's tranquility, it's ease.
It's revival of a heart long considered to be dead.
Love is not something that you do; it is something you become. You embody it, channel it, radiate it and it may be overwhelming sure, but don't run from it Hayden; don't ever run from it."

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