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I'm not sure how long I sit here, Robbie's head in my lap, gazing at the bed while I brush my fingers through his hair. I close his eyes, taking his hand in mine, and humming Zombie by The Cranberries while I wait for Mark to return and cause even more chaos.

I thought Eric would have come by now, that Robbie told him where I am. But after the first hour passes, then the second, my hope of being rescued is shrinking.

So, for now, I'm stuck in hell.

In a room full of blood and a dead body.

I half expect Robbie to bounce up from my lap and yell sike! But I know he won't. My mind is playing tricks on me, imagining his chest moving, his pulse battering in his neck. His lips are blue, his body cold, except for the hand I'm holding.

To be honest, I'd like to wake up now.

"Okay, so…" Mark pushes open the door and stops dead when he sees me sitting against the wall, holding Robbie. "Shit, I forgot about him." He leans out the doorway. "I need someone to get this body out of here. Make sure they find it. Leave a note that the building is triggered to blow if they come near it."


My hand tightens around Robbie's. Blood starts to pound in my ears, painful rage descending on my being as Mark turns back to look at me, a stupid smirk on his mouth.

"Looks like I need to bathe you again. At least this time you'll be conscious."

"Fuck you."

His wide smile and chuckle infuriate me. “I like it when you’re feisty.”

Two of his men come into the room, grabbing a foot each of Robbie's. I grip onto his hand desperately as they battle with me until I release him with a sob, and drag him away from me.

I try not to break eye contact with the beast standing above me while his body is pulled out of the room, not looking at the bloodied trail he leaves behind.

"Whoever is taking the body outside will probably get shot. They're surrounding the area, but choose between yourselves who's doing it," Mark calls out, slowly closing the door as my lifeless ex is pulled away.

My chest is threatening to blow, seeing Robbie in my peripheral vision disappearing. If Eric gets his body and the note, there isn't a chance in hell that he'll risk triggering the explosives and killing me.

He's outside.

So close.

But I'm on my own.

Mark's silver eyes are bright and dancing as he takes in my appearance. "Is it weird that seeing you covered in blood makes me hard?"

Terror crawls up my spine like a demonic mantis. "Very."

Chuckling, he shoves his hands, which seem to be shaking, into his pockets. "There was a night when my dad locked me in my room with this girl, I think she was around your age. He tied her to my bedposts and sliced her open."

He starts to pace the room, and my nails dig into my palms. He's going to do something horrible to me, I can tell.

"I tried to stop the bleeding, but nothing I did would help. Her insides were hanging out, nipples cut off, and all she did was scream." He halts his steps and runs a hand through his blonde hair. "She begged me to kill her. I was ten, so I had no idea what to do. The girl told me to wrap my hands around her neck and squeeze."


"But I couldn't stomach the blood. It was everywhere, princess. I was sick, on my knees bringing up my dinner in a bucket he let me use for a toilet."

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