|Chapter 19|

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I groaned as I looked down and saw blood staining my dress. Someone pulled me under the table while screaming and gun shots were heard.

"Vic can you fight?!" Ros yelled over the loud noises. I nodded my head while looking from under the table to see the damage made.

"Grab your guns!" Xander yelled at us.

I quickly pulled out my gun from my holster under the dress along with Lisa her's. Xan and Ros had theirs in their waist band so they were already holding them.

"When I say three we all run towards the back entrance and shoot anyone aiming at us along the way!" We nodded as Ros said the plan.

"One, two, three!" We quickly got up from under the table and ran across the room towards the back door.

With the end of my eye I saw someone pointing at Lisa from the floor so I quickly shot him. He dropped the gun and I watched as blood seeped through his mouth and wounds on his body.

We shot people along the way but it wasn't near enough to end them. There were constantly gun shots ringing in my ears.

When we came to the door I pushed them open and hold them for the rest to run in. When we were all in the long hallway leading to the back exit I shut the door and leaned against it.

We were all panting heavily, I more than the rest because wounds and running doesn't really go together.

"Baby sit down so I can see how deep the wound is." I nodded at Xander's request and slides down the door and sat down on the floor.

He came and kneeled by me. He took his dagger from his ankle and cut a hole in my dress where the wound is. As he cut the hole he threw away the piece of clothing.

"Lisa get me some chloth or a towel so I can wipe away the blood." I was starting to get fuzzy in my vision and panting heavily. Lisa quickly returned with a small towel in her hand.

She gave it to Xan and he poured some water from the food cart by us on it before wiping the blood from around the wound. I hissed in pain as he wiped closer to the actual hole in my stomach.

"Xan I'm fuzzy in my vision." I said in a whisper while trying to have my eyes open. He looked panicked while working on my wound.

"Lisa make sure she stays awake while I stitch her up."

She nodded before replacing Xander and kneeling in front of me. I followed Xander with my eyes as he moved acrose the hallway toward the first-aid box on the wall. It was surounded by glass so he broke it with his elbow.

"Vic look at me." I returned my eyes to Lisa again and tried to give her a reasuring smile but I was too weak.

"Tell me about that show you just started watching." I nodded at her before I started telling her about that show.

Xander quickly got back with the mini hospital in his hand and kneeled on my other side.

He opened the box and got out a pair of scissors, a needle and a hospital thread. He ripped open the packaging of the items before starting to work on my wound.

I screamed in pain as he sewed me up because I was wide awake and could feel everything.  When he was done he took a pair of gauze and placed it over my wound. Lisa handed him medical tape and he taped the gauze to my body so it can stay in place.

When he was done they mowed me in the sitting position so my back was leaning on the wall behind me.

I groaned and hissed a few times as they helped me move. Lisa ran somewhere and came back with a bottle of water. She opened it and handed it to me so I can take a sip.

All that time they were looking over me and sewing me up Ros was standing by the wall, overlooking the door. He was holding his gun in hands and was ready to shoot anyone who tried to come here.

"Dad, we need to move. I sewed her up but it won't be long before the stiches start breaking and she starts bleeding again."

He nodded his head as Lisa and Xander supported me up. We began speeding down the hallway towards the door. Suddenly, we heard the door to the ball room burst open. We all turned around and saw about six guys standing there with guns and masks while looking directly at us.

"Get them before they escape!" One of them yell. We turned around again and began running. It was a little hard because I couldn't run really fast but I managed with the help of Xan and Lisa.

Bullets were flying by us, missing us by inches. Suddenly I felt a huge pain in my left calf.

"Oh come on! Why in the hell me?!" I yelled as we aproched the door and I felt that familiar pain again.

Ros was running in front of us so he pushed the door open and was holding it for the rest of us. We quickly ran in and he closed the door behind us.

We didn't stop. We continued walking towards our car that was in the front of the house. I was still being supported by Lisa and Xan. When we all sat in the car I was in the back seat with Xan while Lisa was in the passengers seat while Ros is driving.

Xan was sitting on the right side of the car and I was resting my head in his lap. I was starting to breath heavily and my vision started getting blurry again.

"Xan, I see fuzzy." He looked down at me in confusion before looking at my stomach and my leg. My stitched wound on my stomach was opened again from running and my wound on my leg was bleeding out on the seats of the car.

"Fuck! Dad, hurry back! She's bleeding from her stomach again and her leg!" I felt the car move faster through the traffic and in-between other cars.

I was slipping in and out of consciousness as we rode back. When we finally came to a stop in front of the house I was hardly awake.

I felt Xander pull me out and drop my right hand over his shoulder while someone dropped my left one over theirs. I slightly opened my eyes and saw Ros supporting me along Xan.

Lisa was walking behind us as we climbed the stairs towards the door. The maid opened the door as Ros banged on it repeatedly. She had a look of horror across her face as she took in the state I was in.

We hurried through the house and towards our private clinic. Just as we made a turn away from the door I went limp in their arms. I heard people yelling at me, telling me to stay with them. I tried, but I just couldn't I was too weak.

The last thing I heard was Lisa's and Xander's yelling at me while I also faintly heard Ros yell at other members to come and help and go get the family doctor.

The last thing I thought before I was corrupted by darkness was; my biological family didn't even try and find me in all that masquerade at the ball.

Hey guys!
Sorry for the short chapter.
How did you like the chapter?
Any idea on whether she will survive?
Hope you all enjoyed.
Bye guys! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Ps. I forgot to say, the bullet hit her ribs close to her heart. That's why she passed out and will probably bleed to death...
Bye loves~

HermanaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora