Chapter 33

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Goddamn fucking shit.

That was not supposed to happen.

I wasn't supposed to say that!

Why did I say that?


My fist flies into the wall of our little hidden room that I have ended up in. My forehead coming down to press into the same arm.

My breaths still haven't calmed since I stormed out of the classroom.

Dio, what is she doing to me?

I never lose control like that. I may have a temper,  but my fuse has never been so easily lit. Let alone exploded.

And all those things. All those things I have seen her do. That I've watched her do from afar. I listed them off like the words wanted to come out. As if I hadn't kept them locked inside the deepest part of my head for good reason.

Is this what losing your mind feels like?  Because if so, I'd like to sincerely apologise to every person who has lost theirs.

My phone vibrates and I retrieve it from my pocket.

Where are you?


I could here his laughter from down the fucking hall when I left. And I'm sure if I wasn't solely focused on the little devil that was in front of me, I would have been able to see it on his face before too.

But nonetheless, I think if I don't want to break everything in this room at this current moment, then I should probably talk to him.

The Nook

I'm coming

I pocket my phone again and lift my head. My arm ricochetting off of the wall before I begin to pace the room.

Not eight minutes later, the bookcase is opening and Angel emerges from its verticals mouth.

He folds his arms over his chest as he leans against one of them when they close. His blazer is missing and his shirt sleeves are rolled up to his elbows.

An amused smirk dances across his lips as he watches me and I spare him a single glance before I go back to pacing the room.

"What the fuck is her problem?"

"What?" His mouth widens to a grin and his eyebrows each up.

"What is her problem? Why is she so goddamn frustrating?"

"You think she's the one with the problem?"

"Of course she is!" Is he even paying attention? "She's the one who won't stop getting in my head! She's the one being"


"Fuck! I don't know!"

"You don't know what she is being?"

"No!...Yes!... fuck!  That girl is fucking messing with my brain."


"How? Have you fucking seen her? All quiet and shit half the time and then attitude and sarcasm the next. And then she goes ahead and fucking smiles. And don't get me started on that fucking laugh. She's a fucking demon. She isn't fucking normal. No one does that. No one fucking smiles like that."

Belladonna  (Billionaire Boys Club #1) Where stories live. Discover now