Tasty Experimentation

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Lou and Moxy: *standing in front of a presentation labeled "What Ox will and will not eat! (Experiment ongoing)*

Lou: We've been conducting an ongoing study to see what Ox will and will not eat.

Moxy: *taking the clicker and clicking through the slides as she and Lou spoke* Grass? Yes!

Lou: Moss? Yes!

Moxy: Leaves? Ooh, yes!

Lou: Shoelaces? Strange but true!

Moxy: Worms? Sometimes!

Lou: Rocks? Usually no!

Moxy: Twigs? Usually!

Lou: Mandy's cooking? Inconclusive!

Nolan: *blinks in confusion* Um... how exactly did you test this?

Lou: *shrugs* You just hand him stuff and say "eat this" and if he eats it, he eats it.

Nolan: ... I'm not sure how I feel about this.

Mandy: *slams hands on table as realization hit* IS THAT WHERE ALL MY SPARE SHOELACES WENT!?

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