Chapter 3

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It was very late at night when Alpha Dustin burst into my cell and I was afraid of what he would do. I hadn't made any mistakes today that I knew of so what could this be about?

"We are attending a ball," Alpha Dustin grumbled. "Everyone is to attend. Even Omegas."

Alpha sneered down at me when he said that, but I was overcome with joy. I hadn't been out of the pack house in over 10 years.

"If you so much as blink wrong, you're dead. Do you understand?"

I nodded, but not even Alpha's threat could bring me down today.

I was getting out, even if just for a night.

The night of the ball came and I was ecstatic. I was all dressed up in a ball gown Alpha had given me. It was a ruffly pink dress that made my eyes look just a little bit brighter and my hair just a little less dull.

My heart was singing as I sat in the back of Alpha's car. He'd given me strict orders for the night. I was to stay by him at all times and not speak to anyone. I didn't care though, I smelt the fresh air for the first time in years today and I couldn't be happier.

After three long hours, the car stopped. I looked out the window and saw a huge castle towering over us.

"You know the rules," Alpha whispered in my ears.

I nodded.

"And you know what happens if you break them."

I nodded once again.

Alpha's threats frightened me, but I looked past them. I wouldn't get in trouble tonight. I'd stand by his side and obey his every command. If I ever wanted to leave the pack house again I had to be perfect tonight.

The ballroom was packed with beautiful females and handsome males. I couldn't help the pang in my chest when I saw the happy couples dancing. They looked into each other's eyes with pure love and adoration; something I would never receive. Even if I did find my mate, he wouldn't want me. He'd reject me on the spot and I couldn't blame him for that. I wasn't the mate that males wanted. I was ugly and weak and all I did was mess up. It was just something I'd have to accept.

Horns blared and all of the music stopped as the royal family was introduced. The four royals entered the ballroom regally and I couldn't help but admire them. Especially the King. His dark brown hair was styled perfectly and he looked so handsome in his suit and crown.

I quickly averted my gaze when I realized I was staring at my King. That would probably get me in trouble so I kept my gaze on the floor.

Alpha and Luna conversed with other packs and I played my role, tucked safely behind them. I let the music flow into my ears and for a moment I could pretend that my life was perfect. I was here dancing with my mate who looked down at me with nothing but love in his eyes. Alpha Dustin was nowhere to be seen and I was filled with pure bliss.

"Your Majesty."

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Alpha Dustin's words. My eyes shot up and connected with those of the King. I quickly bowed, but my eyes wanted nothing more than to look up at his.


My eyes flew up and sure enough, King Brenden was staring right at me. This isn't good. This isn't good at all. I was physically shaking as Alpha Dustin stepped in front of me.

"I'm sorry Your Majesty, but you must be mistaken, she is only an Omega."

"Are you questioning me?" King Brenden growled and Dustin bowed his head in submission.

"Of course not Your Majesty. May I please have a moment with my Omega? She hasn't learned of mates yet."

King Brenden looked skeptical, but agreed and I scurried after Alpha Dustin when he walked away.

I followed Alpha into a dark corridor where he finally stopped. His hand was around my throat in an instant and the air was ripped from my lungs.

"You knew didn't you?" He growled.

I couldn't speak, but I shook my head violently. I didn't know.


Alpha Dustin kneed me in the stomach and my vision grew blurry from the lack of air. He let me go, but remained towering over me.

"You will reject him or-"

"Or what?"

The most beautiful scent filled my nostrils before I even saw him approach.

"I'm so sorry Your Majesty. This isn't what it looks like. I was telling her about the mating process and how you can either complete the process or reject the bond."

"She will do no such thing," King Brenden growled.

"Of course not Your Majesty, I was just explaining."

"Get out!" The King yelled and Alpha Dustin ran out of there faster than I thought possible.

King Brenden motioned for me to follow him and I complied. I didn't want to anger him further. If I thought Dustin and Tony were bad, imagine what the King could do to me.

King Brenden spoke to a guard and then came back to me.


I followed him through the palace, keeping my eyes on the ground just like I was supposed to. I caught him glancing back at me more than once and every time, it made my hands shake. I had to clasp them together to keep them still.

I followed King Brenden to a set of double doors that were opened for him. I followed him into what must be the King's suite.

He motioned for me to sit on the couch and I did as I was told.

"I'll be right back," The King said and then disappeared through another door.

I let out a sigh of relief once I was alone, but that relief was short lived. What am I going to do? Alpha made it very clear as to what would happen if I disobeyed him. If I didn't reject King Brenden he'd kill me. But if I rejected the King, than he'd probably kill me.

What am I thinking? King Brenden will surely reject me himself. There's no need for me to do it. I'm sure that's what he will do when he comes back and then I can go back home and pretend like this never happened.

My wolf howled at thought of our mate rejecting us, but there was nothing I could do to stop it and even if I could, it was the only option. I didn't want to live with Alpha Dustin, but I also didn't want to be killed by my mate. Surely being rejected would hurt less than that right?

I tried to convince myself, but it wasn't working and soon my heart was racing as panic rose inside of me.

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