Chapter 56

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The sunrise smelled clean, like the rain had put the whole city on a rinse cycle and then hung it out to dry

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The sunrise smelled clean, like the rain had put the whole city on a rinse cycle and then hung it out to dry. The windows were still spread open wide. The drapes were fluttering into the room. Pierce's nude body was half-covered in damp and sticky sheets. He had been awakened by something smooth tracing over the back of his thigh - up, up, until it reached the soft curve of his backside, then dipped into the divots at the base of his spine. Pure appreciation was left behind. Elliot's lips, Pierce realized, and then twisted around. He had been sleeping on his stomach, utterly peaceful.

"Morning," he greeted, throat gruff and thick from sleep. Or overuse.

If last night was satin and gold, then the morning was sunshine and sage. A new and fresh beginning.

Daylight was projecting from a split horizon of orange and blue. Sun beams lanced the room with a tolerable amount of brightness. Enough to squint, but not so inflicting to require more than a few blinks.

"Morning," Elliot echoed, voice absolutely ravishing. An audible accessory to his naked body, like the lustrous exterior of a string of pearl.

Although Elliot wanted to kiss the stretchmarks on Pierce's spine, he settled for stringing an arm over the softest part of Pierce's abdomen. Tenderly, he fiddled with the patch of hair below Pierce's belly button - his favorite spot, proceeding his handsy work as if they were one body. Last night's events left no room for modesty. He was sure they broke a few items. Maybe a lamp? Or some glasses? At least the chandelier was intact. It's was a blur. A hot, steamy blur. Feathers floated in the air from destroyed pillows. A cause for an awkward conversation with the hotel manager later.

Elliot loomed over Pierce's upper body, definitely craving more than a good-morning kiss. Pierce welcomed the closeness, allowing the warmth of their bodies collide. Elliot slid his leg over Pierce's hips, straddling the lower of his body like a drizzle of melted sugar. The skin-on-skin contact made his toes curl. Their lips teased touch.

Pierce's muscles were still heavy with exhaustion, although something beyond his waist was unavoidably enliven. He tried to hide it, but it was too late. Elliot's fingers were venturing lower, lower. The stiffness was deceiving, though - nothing more than his body's natural reaction to sleep, however, Elliot couldn't resist taunting him.

Pierce inhaled in a breath. "Blue." He exhaled shakily.

"Yes?" A sweet, innocent question as he traced devious patterns into Pierce's inner thigh - an artist's skilled hand.

"I'm tired," Pierce admitted. He ached. "I can barely move."

Elliot bit Pierce's bottom lip, coaxing. "You don't have to move."

His lips descended to Pierce's neck, as if his flesh was breakfast. At the same time, he rolled his tailbone in small, flitting motions - just enough to create pressure. Not enough to satisfy.

Christ. How did he have so much energy?

"You're not human." Pierce groaned. He was rarely on the receiving end of this kind of attention, but damn, he liked it. Having his boyfriend grind on his naked body was a nice way to wake up.

Elliot's hair was so fluffy from uneven sleep. Pierce fingers tugged on the strands, gently encouraging his eager initiative. Elliot never let his appearance become so unkept. Pierce like it, though. There was something so vulnerable about seeing him the way he never showed anybody else.

Elliot kissed Pierce's tattoo. Once, twice. "What'd you want?"

Pierce knew Elliot meant the inclination in a sexual way, but he simply replied, "Food." He wanted the strength to share intimacy, not just receive it.

Elliot respected the answer, hovering over his boyfriend's mouth. A tint of humor in the color of his cheek. "What kind?"

A peck on the lips. "Anything," Pierce answered.

Elliot interpreted that as, "Something chocolate?" Another peck.


They lost a few minutes making out. Actually, more than a few minutes - even with the mingling of bad morning breaths they couldn't get enough of each other. They were smooshed weight and sweaty limbs, tangled in the depths of messy sheets - unwilling to break for air.

It was Elliot who detached first, mainly because he didn't want to worry his sister. He had already been gone the entire night. He didn't want to be gone for an entire day too.

Pierce ogled him from the bed. He couldn't even let him take one step before reaching out. It was like Elliot was his oxygen.

"We're good, right?" Pierce asked, as if their tranquility was too good to be true. Still reclined on a mound of ripped pillows, he kept his arm outstretched to the blue-haired boy until it was acknowledged.

Elliot kissed his palm, letting Pierce's hand drop to his chest. He felt his his skin, his heart beat, the loved-sucked bruises that were splotched all over his collarbone and neck. His touch dragged down and landed on Elliot's moles. He counted them, circling them with the pads of his thumb. Elliot was his to touch, his to explore, his to love. Pierce savored that liberty. Elliot's belly rose and fell beneath his observation - unembarrassed.

"We're good," Elliot confirmed, looking down at Pierce with irresistible eyes.

Pierce moved his hand to Elliot's hip, curling around the curve below his protruding bone. Elliot's core loosened. Pierce's casual grip rounded to his backside, to the plushness he had sunk his teeth in when the moon was still out. In those dark hours, Elliot had bent his spine so erotically that Pierce's soul had separated from his own body. He didn't know his own name, didn't know how to process that type of position. What came next, well, just the memory sent a flash of excitement through his neurons. Like intravenous tickles, but sexier.

"I don't need breakfast," Pierce decided.

Elliot subtly smiled as he was pulled closer. "No?"

"No. Not yet," Pierce replied. "Right now I need you."

Elliot offered him a half smile, awfully smitten. He climbed back into bed, claiming the spot atop Pierce again. He placed two hands on his chest, aimlessly drifting over bare skin. Pierce brushed Elliot's arms with delicate fingers - up and down, up and down. They stayed like that for a while, taking in each other's presence. Not for too long, though. Certainly not with Elliot's teasing. Or Pierce's appetite.

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