Chapter- 7(Theory)

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As fast as my heart is beating, I tried to keep my shaking voice under control. I remembered how stressed I was when my 12th class result came out. My head was buzzing with all the random thoughts on how a person can die through a phone? Thanks to mom for all the details

Shubhangi Di: Helloo

Me: Heyy Di

I tried to sound casual and calm, but of course, Aisha & calm.. doesn't make sense! I'm a fricking emotional bomb who can blow out any minute!

Me: Di, I need to tell you something & before you start all your assumptions, listen calmly and advise me on what I should do.

And with that my friends, I dug my own grave.

Shubhangi Di: Hmmm...

Hmmm??! Are you actually serious?? I spend an hour trying to explain every little thing, from my feelings to what I did. From my friend's reactions to their suggestions. You gotta give me more, sister!

Me: Hmmm??? Di, you are older than me. Please don't make me curse you.

I calmly said while I heard my sister giggling. It's honestly confusing what is so funny about this whole situation.

Shubhangi Di: Aisha, you said what you have done. Do you seriously think you can neglect your heart's desires?

Wow, didn't see a pep talk coming!

Shubhangi Di: I'm happy with the decision you took. You know what's right for you & that's a good thing. But you gotta understand your emotions too. You can't fight them, they will get stronger, but you can control them. After all, it's your emotions that have that power. Aside from this, I honestly don't think you should care about anyone's opinion. The more people you tell, the more opinion you get, more confused to get. Simple!

Yup, definitely needed a pep talk.

Me: Di you know na you can start counseling if you take that seriously imagine the about of money you'll make!

Both of us burst into laughter. After talking nonstop for I-Don't-know-how-Long we ended our conservation with mom and dad coming into the room. Don't worry, they didn't hear anything ;)

A few minutes later, I was in my bed hugging my pillow. I'm happy with my talk with di. It was an eye-opener talk, after all. I should have done that on that day can't even recall why I was holding back. Slowly, I drifted away into my dreamland. Abroad...Home alone...Living my best life...writing... earning.... happy... Himnish... Wait.. what?????

I jolted up from my sleep, only to find out its 6'o clock in the morning and I was dreaming. But why was I dreaming about him?? Nooo!!! I closed that chapter and not opening it again! No matter what. Emotional mind shut the fuck up!

I quickly fall back into my soft pillow, wrapping myself around the sheet when mom stepped into my room. She is surprised to see me awake this early. She walked close to my bed and forced me to sit back up. I struggled a little, my eyes were still sleepy & I had no energy to move. Mom helped me up and said, "See Aisha, it's a beautiful day! Wake up and study a little"

Wow, I shouldn't be surprised...

"Maa, I can't...I need... Sleep.." after pushing these words out of my mouth. I threw myself on my bed and put a pillow on my ears. I heard some noises, probably mom's before dozing off. 

Good Luck with that mama!

There are three things in this whole world I love dearly. First Coffee, I'm not a heavy coffee-addicted person but I need at least a cup of coffee in a day. Whether it's in the morning or evening. The second is my first love, Dark chocolate. I love chocolate from the core of my heart or even from my spirit. No matter, how much I eat chocolate, I could never get sick of it.

Third and the last is my sleep. I'm an extremely pleasing person until I haven't had a proper sleep. By proper I don't mean eight hours only according to some scientist's research. I need a minimum of ten hours of sleep plus my afternoon nap.

Maybe the word lazy suits me better, don't you think?

So, now you know. If anyone wanna win my heart. Buy me a chocolate mansion or a cappuccino machine. Should have given this suggestion to Himnish, At least then, I wouldn't have gone through so much stress. But, no worries. it's a clean slate now! It's been three days since we last talked & I'm hoping he won't contact me because as stubborn and egoistic we both are. His ego always melts away when it comes to me. 

Although, I'm good at breaking people's egos too.

If my theory is correct, then he will message me today. I know it sounds stupid and immature but I know I'm correct. I just need proof. I have known him for the past three years. I can't be wrong, can I?




Finally, readers, your wait is over, and another chapter is released. I apologize for my laziness. I've not been a consistent person but someone has to start from somewhere, right?!

So what do you think, Aisha's theory is correct or not? One time she says she's over him & the second, she is waiting for his message, Heart desires baby! You can't control your emotions that easily, can you?

Hope you are liking what you read! Do share and help my novel to get noticed ;) 

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