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"So help me fucking god if you ever do this to me again I will chop of your dick and balls and make you a smoothie out of them." I yell at my husband. His jaw drops and I see him pale.

"I'm sorry. I will never do it again unless you say it's perfectly fine. Babe, come on breath like the doctor said. Remember the classes? They said that breathing really does help." I grab the rag he'd been using to wipe my forehead and shove it hard into his mouth. I had been in labor now for thirty hours the surgeon was out of town so they were having to get with someone else to come in but there was some problem.

"I'm disowning my parents for never telling me about any of this. I'm getting a hysterectomy. I'll have to look for a new husband because I'm going to kill mine." I say glaring at him. "I was supposed to come in for a C-section in a week. Why did they have to demand to come out now? I did what I was supposed to and came into the hospital so they could take this thing out. I want it out." I scream.

"Our little Mackenna will be here soon. You just need to keep breathing and try to stay calm."

"Zach, I'm scared." I finally admit to him. He leans in to hug me and kiss me.

"It'll be alright. I promise."

"This can't be good for her. I'm in labor have been for a long time. They need to help her. I can't give birth. She's not okay like this. How can they not have a surgeon for this?"

"Here, you try to breath and I'll find someone and beat them till they tell me what's going on." That made me laugh. He hurried off. A few minutes goes by and a nurse comes in to check on the machines attached to me.

"Alright sweetheart. Looks like you are still going. Any unusual pains or anything?"

"No. I should be having surgery and holding my daughter by now. If not then I want food. I'm starving."

"I'll get you a little glass of juice and some ice chips."

"I want food." I yell as she leaves.

When Zach gets back I give him a glare.

"I have good news and bad news." He says wiping my forehead. "Good news they found a surgeon. Bad news he's in another state and won't be here for a couple hours."

"Why are they flying someone in? Doesn't this city have surgeons?"

"Well apparently the rarity of your condition makes it unsafe for just anyone to operate on you. It requires someone with some specialty."

"Why the hell did my surgeon leave town a week before my surgery?"

"It was scheduled she couldn't have known that you'd go into labor."

"I want this baby out of me." For three hours I panted and sweated while I was in pain and waited for the surgeon. I knew he was there when I saw a man come in while he was still putting on scrubs.

"Hi there. I'm Steven Wright. I here you are in labor and want a c-section."

"Get this baby out of me." I yell at him. He just chuckles and starts to check the machines again. He turns to a nurse.

"The OR ready?"

"Yes sir. Just as you instructed."

"Good. Well Angelo, just a quick run down. I know that your surgeon was going to go through your abdomen and deliver that way. This requires to go around your organs because the baby is actually carried toward the back. Right?"

"Uh-huh?" I say trying to get this on the road.

"I prefer to go in from the side. Your organs naturally fall away from the incision. I have better access and can deliver easier. Drawbacks. This means your healing will be harder because it's your side not your stomach. There also comes the risk to your baby because I actually will deliver them backward after puncturing the sack. This means they can inhale fluid, it's not easy on them to be pulled from that direction. Any questions?"

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