Chapter 17- Baking Cupcakes

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A couple days later..

I've been feeling better about the whole Andrew situation. I am happy he's out of my life. Aaron and Leo have been so amazing about everything.

I wake up to see a text from Aaron.


Hey, i'll take you to school today

I reply with a sounds good as I begin getting ready. I feel special for a second and then I realize he's doing this out of pity for me because he feels bad for what happened with Andrew.

I begin eating an eggo waffle as I scroll through my phone for a bit before I see a text from Aaron saying he's here.

I grab my backpack and head outside. He's sitting in his ford on his phone. He looked extra cute today. His hair looked even more fluffy and he was wearing a flannel over his gray hoodie.

"Hey loser." I say as I enter the car. His car smelled like the usual, peppermint with a hint of men's cologne. But I'm not complaining because it smelt good.

"Hey." He says as he finally looks up from his phone. He turns to look at me for a good five seconds before he begins driving.

"As appreciative as I am for the ride, I gotta ask why." I state.

"I guess I realized your house isn't as far from mine as I thought." He shrugs.

"Aren't you gonna be cold in just leggings and a tank top." He asks suddenly.

"I'm literally wearing a jacket over."

"That is barely covering your stomach."

"Why do you care?" I ask.

"Fine, be cold."

"I will." I reply. That was weird and he still didn't answer the question.

Aaron flips on the bluetooth button and before I know it, country music starts playing.

"Eww." I say. I hate country music with a passion. I'm not surprised that Aaron listens to it. Ever since we were little, he would blast it.

"I don't get you. I mean, who doesn't like country music."

"Any sane person." I joke.

"Nah. Have you even bothered listening to the song before you straight away judge it?" He asks me.

"I don't need to. I've listened to it enough before to know I don't like it."

"Every song is different though." Aaron replies.

"Country songs are about three things, God, love and alcohol." I say.

"True." Aaron says with a laugh.

Once we get to school, I grab my books for my next class, English, from my locker. Now I can actually look forward to class since I enjoy english.

"Boo." Katie states.

"Hey." I reply.

"I heard Aaron gave you a ride to school this morning." She states.

"Yeah he did. Who told you that?"

"People we're talking about it. I guess someone saw you guys both get out of his car." She shrugs. This is the issue with being friends with Aaron, you are in the public or shall I say high school eye. This is because of how popular and relevant he is.

"Because we entered school together?" I ask.

"I guess so. Anyways, why did he give you a ride?"

"I don't know to be honest. I just woke up to a text from his saying he'd give me a ride. He said something about him realizing he lived closer to me than he thought."

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