Our Reading Lists

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Below is a collection of reading lists with descriptions to help you determine which you'd like your story to be featured in

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Below is a collection of reading lists with descriptions to help you determine which you'd like your story to be featured in.

Action: High Octane Adventures - Action stories are fast-paced and thrilling tales that follow the hero's journey as they battle against all odds to defeat their enemies or overcome great obstacles.

Adventure: Journey to the Unknown - Adventure stories take readers on a journey to explore new places and discover new things. These tales often involve risk and danger, as the characters face challenges and obstacles along the way.

ChickLit: Women's Fiction Delights - ChickLit is a genre that focuses on the lives and experiences of modern women, often exploring themes of love, relationships, and career.

Fantasy: Other Worlds Await - Fantasy stories are set in magical or fantastical worlds, often featuring mythical creatures, epic battles, and ancient legends.

Fanfiction: Fandom Favorites - Fanfiction is a genre that allows fans to write their own stories featuring characters from their favorite books, TV shows, movies, or video games.

General Fiction: Everyday Life - General Fiction is a category that encompasses a wide range of stories that explore the human experience, often delving into themes of love, loss, and personal growth.

Historical Fiction: The Past Revisited - Historical Fiction is a genre that brings the past to life through vivid storytelling, offering readers a glimpse into different time periods and cultures.

Horror: Chills and Thrills - Horror stories are designed to scare and shock readers, featuring a variety of monsters, ghosts, and supernatural creatures that lurk in the shadows.

Humor: Laugh Out Loud - Humor stories are designed to make readers laugh, often featuring witty dialogue, clever wordplay, and humorous situations.

Mystery/Thriller: Who Done It? - Mystery and thriller stories keep readers on the edge of their seats, featuring complex plots, unexpected twists, and intense suspense.

Non-Fiction: Real Life Stories - Non-fiction stories are based on real-life events and experiences, offering readers a chance to learn about new topics or explore different perspectives.

Paranormal: Supernatural Stories - Paranormal stories feature supernatural elements, including ghosts, vampires, and other creatures of the night.

Poetry: Words That Sing - Poetry is a genre that uses language to create vivid imagery and convey emotions, often featuring rhyme, meter, and other literary devices.

Random: Eclectic Mix - Random is a category that defies easy classification, featuring a mix of stories that don't fit neatly into any one genre.

Romance: Love in the Air - Romance stories feature love stories between two or more characters, often exploring themes of passion, desire, and heartbreak.

Science Fiction: Visions of Tomorrow - Science fiction stories feature futuristic settings, advanced technology, and often explore the impact of science and innovation on society.

Short Story: Quick Reads - Short stories are brief works of fiction that can be read in one sitting, often featuring a single narrative arc or theme.

Spiritual: Finding Inner Peace - Spiritual stories explore themes of faith, spirituality, and personal growth, often offering readers a chance to reflect on their own beliefs and values.

Teen Fiction: Young and Restless - Teen Fiction is a category that focuses on the experiences of young adults, often exploring themes of identity, first love, and coming of age.

Vampire: Blood, Fangs, and Romance - Vampire stories feature creatures of the night, often exploring themes of immortality, forbidden love, and the struggle between good and evil.

Werewolf: Full Moon Rising - Werewolf stories feature characters who can transform into wolves or other creatures, often exploring themes of transformation, identity, and primal instincts.

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