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It was a new day early in the morning. The sun was shining outside in the clear blue sky. Vehicles had started to fill up the roads. Some were eating breakfast while some were still asleep.

Shuffling through the drawers, Armaan tried to find his tie. He had a whole drawer yet he needed the one he couldn't find. "Where the hell has she misplaced it?" Armaan was on the verge to ask Nandini as Nandini had been fixing his side of the closet for him instead of making the maids do it.

"What if she stole it!?" he thought. 'What the hell would she do with your tie?" Point to be noted. Yet he didn't trust her enough for that so he decided to rummage through her side of the closet. He knew he'd be late if he did so but he didn't care as he needed that tie. It was the only one that matched his blazer. Armaan wasn't going to go to work looking all mismatched.

Armaan looked through her drawers which consisted of only pajamas. The rest of her clothes were hung so there was no way the tie could be here. As he was about to give up, his eyes landed on something peaking underneath the stack of her pajamas. Armaan knew he shouldn't be going through her stuff but it wasn't like she'd know.

Curiosity took over him and he pulled out whatever that was hiding underneath. It was some sort of notebook. Or something like it. Armaan was confused. What would she need a notebook for? Then it hit him. He had once caught Nandini doing something in a notebook but she had hid it from him. It could only mean one thing. It was a diary.

'You should really put this back. If she finds out she'll kill you in your sleep.' his mind told him. 'But one look won't harm no one.' his subconscious said. He stared at the notebook in his hand, tempted to open it and unfold all of Nandini's secrets. He'll be quick. Just one look and then he'll put it away and never look at it again. Just this one time.

His thoughts eventually won and he opened up the so-called notebook. Opening it up, the first page was blank and only her name was written on it. What confused him was the blank page without any lines. Where were the lines? Even more curious, Armaan turned the page only for his eyes to widen in shock.

It was an image of a women throwing water at a man. The people in the image look quite familiar. Some what like him and Nandini. And the scene also seemed quite familiar. It was as if the drawing was based on them.

When Armaan looked at the drawing another time, he was for sure she had drawn them. It was the day where Nandini had spilled coffee on his papers and he had lashed out on her, only for her to throw water at him. That was the day he knew she would make his life upside down.

Armaan saw the date and her signature, making him shocked. He never knew Nandini was this talented. The picture looked very detailed as if an artist had drawn it. Nandini had a talent within her that she had hidden from everyone. Never would have Armaan guessed she drew.

After seeing this drawing, Armaan was even more curious to see the rest of the drawings. At this point he didn't care if he was late. This was a now or never thing. So he flipped to the next page and automatically a smirk formed on his face as he saw it.

It was the same day but it was when Armaan was inches away from Nandini, scolding her for rolling her eyes and trying to make her afraid of him, but he failed nevertheless. What caused him to smirk was Nandini's flushed face. Armaan didn't expect Nandini to draw him or there moments but here he was, flipping through her drawing book and feeling all these sensations in his body.

Armaan flipped through the next couple of pages as it was just other artistic stuff. Even though it was good, he was more curious to see his and her drawings. After flipping through a couple of pages, finally he found a good image. It was the image of the day it had rained and Armaan had caught Nandini before she slipped.

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