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I closed my eyes to stop the tears coming out, I opened my eyes again and walked out of the room slamming the door.

I walked quickly through the people on the stairs, bumping into a few. A drink spilled on me but I just kept walking. I felt really hot and dizzy.

I walked out the front door and walked a bit away from Kenzie's house. I started walking to the park I usually go to when I feel like shit.

I got to the park and sat at my usual bench, it was dark and cold but I sat there and cried. Seriously, I should have expected it, popular beautiful rich girl getting with someone like me. I'm so fucking dumb.

I pulled out the paper Miss Levine gave me and my phone and typed in her number and texted her.

Spencer: It's me Spencer, I'm at the park we first met at, can you come please?

I let out a shaky breath and drop my phone beside me, why did I bother texting her, I'm just bothering her. She only wants to talk out of pity, she just feels bad. But she doesn't really know that much about me so I don't get it. She's not gonna come, she's probably asleep.

I stare at the floor for a few minutes crying, god if anybody saw me, sobbing to myself in the middle of a park.

"Hey..." I heard a voice say and I looked up to see Miss Levine with a long winter coat on and a fluffy scarf. Seeing her only made me cry more, god I dragged the poor woman out of her house into the cold.

"I'm sorry." I sobbed.

"Hey, Spencer it's okay." She sat down right beside me taking off her scarf.

She leaned over and wrapped the scarf around my neck. She looked into my eyes.

"What's got you crying like this?" She tilted her head and leaned back. She turns her body towards me to listen, our knees touching.

""I'm sorry for making you come all this way, I shouldn't have texted just having a shitty day." I said while tears still ran down my cheek.

"Spencer. I care about you, if I didn't I wouldn't have come. We can sit in silence if you want, I just want you to know I'm here."

"My mom's boyfriend hit me today because I told him he's not my dad, my mom wouldn't care if she found out because she only seems to care about herself. Once my dad died she turned on me, like I killed him or something she blames me to this day saying he wouldn't have done it if it wasn't for me. I walked in on my girlfriend having sex with someone else. I can't do it anymore. Not just because I lost some relationship but just anything, I know I'm not going through a lot, that people have worse going on in their lives. But I just want to leave." I started sobbing again.

"Spencer look, if you need somewhere to stay anytime please come to me, I know the principal wouldn't approve you staying with a teacher but I wouldn't say it to him, I rather have you stay with me then you living in a place that is harming you not just physically but mentally too. And that girlfriend of yours, she has good somewhere inside here I don't know where, but she covers it up to act tough. Some people are just stupid, and she's stupid for cheating on someone like you. I wouldn't waste my tears on her, and especially not that mascara your ruining right now." She smiles at me and wipes her thumbs under my eyes.

"Why are you helping me?"

"Because I care." She smiles and looks at me.

My heart quickens, I lean forward and cup her cheeks kissing her.

I quickly lean back, fuck fuck fuck.

"Shit I'm sorry fuck oh my god I ruin everything." I start sobbing again and she starts laughing.

"Your such an idiot." She rolls her eyes and kisses my cheek.

"You don't hate me?" I ask her.

"Spencer you got caught up in the conversation your really angry and sad right now I can tell. We all do silly things when we're angry or sad." She smiles slightly and looks away for a second then back at me leaving out a breath.

"I should head home, thank you Miss Levine." I take off her scarf and hand it to her and quickly walk away without saying goodbye.

I just kissed my teacher.

Miss Levine {wlw, teacherxstudent}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat