Chapter 195 Why are you stalking me Part 2

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Chapter 195 Why are you stalking me Part 2

Su Han wore a simple dark blue shirt with thin white stripes and a casual pair of black jeans.

He always liked to travel in casual and comfortable clothing and not the typical suit and tie style.

But right at this moment, he didn't feel comfortable at all.

In fact, his already pale face looked even paler and his stiffened body sat upright in his seat.

"Why was she here? Why was she here? Why was she here?" His insides were screaming.

Even with the cold air in the airplane blasting from all directions, the man was sweating profusely.

Ever since he had fantasized about Runyan's smiling face on Mo Xin's naked alluring body, the young man had been deeply troubled.

It was as if he was possessed and he could just not get over it.

His weird fetish fantasy didn't stop there but continued plaguing him frequently in his dreams.

And now, the woman of his dreams was sitting right next to him!

Su Han suddenly felt like a nervous teenager suffocating in front of his adorable crush. Why did this woman have to be sitting right next to him? Damn it.

He fidgeted uncomfortably buttoning and unbuttoning his shirt all the way up to his collar.

Only when the flight took off and seeing that Runyan was still buried in her books, Su Han slightly relaxed.

He stole a quick glance at the woman next to him busily reading her book.

She seemed to be reading something about marketing? Are they having some financial problems with their company? Su Han wondered.

Of course, he didn't intend to be some sort of knight in a shining armor and rescue their pitiful company.

He was just merely gathering intel for his best friend's sake.

Su Han peered over curiously to see what exactly she was reading when the air hostess walked over to their row.

The air hostess politely bowed and flashed a big old smile. "Sir, would you like something to drink?"

Su Han who was completely immersed in his fascination with Runyan didn't even hear her, but Runyan did and she turned around to get something to drink.

She was feeling a bit parched in her throat.

But when she turned slightly, she unexpectedly came face to face with the very man she was trying hard to ignore.

Haaaa... Their faces were so close to each other that she could feel his hoarse raspy breath on her face.

Su Han was stunned silly.

He kept staring at her even forgetting to blink. His brain sort of blanked out and the only thought which occupied his mind was her sweet breathtaking scent.

Runyan blushed slightly as she quickly moved away from him. "Water, please." She mumbled to the air hostess.

Su Han snapped out of his trance as well and moved away.

The air hostess awkwardly smiled. It definitely looked like she had interrupted something! She quickly gave Runyan a bottle of water and moved on from that spot.

She couldn't help but throw jealous glances towards the youthful woman. Being young and rich was a blessing.

That too... The man next to her seemed to be extremely exceptional. How romantic! Those two even seemed to have some sparks in between them. It was very obvious.

The rich marry the richer. Somebody like her probably won't even stand a chance. The air hostess sighed and moved on to the next row.

Contrary to the serendipitous romantic scenarios running in the air hostess's mind, Runyan was uncomfortably chugging in her water.

Her eyes and her posture was exclusively stuck towards the window side of the airplane, the side which was Su Han free.

Time slowly ticked away, as Runyan restlessly fidgeted in her cozy first class seat.

She could almost feel a scorching gaze on her, that gave her goosebumps all over her body.

"Why on earth is he staring at me?" She wondered. She tried hard to concentrate and get back into her book.

Her culprit on the other hand was also not doing any better than her.

Su Han sat in the seat as if he was sitting on a hot metal bench on a sizzling afternoon.

He was dancing in place, afraid to even move an inch, lest he might touch the edges of her dress or worse her snow white hand by mistake.

Su Han gulped and swallowed his saliva as his eyes unwittingly kept glancing at the tender and elegant arm on the arm rest.

For the past few days, he had dreamt several times about kissing them and touching them.

And now, even when they were right next to him, unfortunately, he couldn't do anything to them...

"Ughhh... This is torture." Su Han cursed under his breath.

As if it was not bad enough that he was infatuated with the enemy, but now it looked like he was completely losing his self-control.

And her legs...

Why did she have such long legs? How could there be no scars or marks on them?

Su Han creased his brows in annoyance at his stupid pig-headed brain. Among all the women on this planet, why on earth would he be so infatuated with a woman like her??

If anyone were to describe Runyan, they wouldn't use the terms sexy or alluring, they would rather use terms such as kind, homely, or gentle.

It made sense if he really liked her or something, but weirdly enough he felt himself being drawn to her in a completely unexpected manner. Su Han was deeply infatuated with her.

He seriously fought against the urges to just grab her and plant kisses all over her sweet face. "Ahh, Damn it." Su Han closed his eyes leaned on his seat.

As soon as the pilot announced the landing of the flight, he immediately got up and shot towards the exit like a caged bird.

"What the hell am I thinking? They are both extremely crafty and not to be trusted. I should never get close to her ever again.." He muttered as he dashed out of the airplane.

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