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"Ma'am if you don't have your pin, I would be happy to set you up a new one-"

"No... sorry, I'll find it."

I frantically swipe through my chip's numerous pages of store accounts I've set up in the past. I haven't been in this smoothie place in forever, but I'm determined to find it. This cashier dude probably thinks I'm nuts. Of course the line I'm holding up is already complaining.

"I'll pay for it," a familiar voice says behind me.

I quickly turn to view my savior. Out of all people, it's Milos. I haven't heard from him in weeks...

The cashier adds my berry smoothie to his tropical one and sends us on our way. When we get outside I thank him, however, he just nods and walks away.

"Milos!" I call, quickly chasing after him on the sidewalk. Even when I catch up he doesn't acknowledge me.

"Can we talk??" I ask.

"About what?"

"I- I don't know."

We reach an alleyway and he pulls me into it. We both set our smoothies on a ledge in front of a blocked off window.

"About the fact that you took down a borderline fascist using our gift without telling me?!?" he scorns quietly.

I would try to make excuses if I felt like that was a good decision, but it's not. He's right to be this upset about it.

He starts to pace around a little bit. It's not because of worry, though it's probably a bit of uncertainty he has for me now.

"Look, I'm sorry," I say while grabbing his arm in order to calm him.

My touch is hit away the moment he decides he doesn't want it.


He turns around and abruptly shoves me against the brick wall. I attempt to push him back, so he holds one of my shoulders down.

"I opened up to you Adira. Nobody, not even my family gets me. Then I found you!! Someone who can understand..." he points a finger towards me, "because you're just fucking like me."

Jesus christ he's angry...

"Both of us are stuck with a secret. Both of us have to stay hidden. Both, of us, have a responsibility. Now, half of the fucking country probably believes you are one."

I finally find a voice to defend myself.

"That's unfair! It's my actions, not yours-"

"Yes but we are the same. You, me, anyone else with this curse of a gift. I represent you, and you represent us. Your actions come back to bite every single one of us, and you didn't even want to tell me about it..."

His rage has cooled off a little. I genuinely hurt him, and I'm starting to feel awful about it.

"Adira?" I hear Ramiro call from the start of the alley.

Shit... I forgot I left him in the car. He finally comes across Milos and I. Milos and I against the wall like we were in that bathroom.

"Get away from her!" he says, starting towards him to save me.

Milos let's go of me and faces him, "I'd stop there baby... if you don't, I can't promise you'll get what you want."

He stops, concerned. I see his eyes trying to fight it, and his body trying to push through it.


He shushes me as he walks to Ramiro. Once he gets there, his hand caresses the left side of his face.

TemptationNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ