why people lost

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Subahanallah, walhmdulillah, wAllahuakbar.

Allahum soli ala sayidina muhammad.


Bahasa inggeris sekali skla teman teman sahabat dan saudara saudariku.

Seomga yang membaca sentiasa di mulia kn oleh Allah swt amin.

Mind is stronger than Muscle!

Some reason why people lost!(kalah)

most people dont know who they are.
- fact = most people think who there are in their name, nationality, religion, culture, occupation

- They pick their name, nationality, religion, culture, occupation
(society actually pick) opsiee..
Mother pick name, jabatan pick pangkat, boss pick you dan seterusnya... Etc cuba hilang kan kesmua nya siapa diri anda sebetulnya? Lost hehe? Itu lah...
Society actually pick teman teman jeles ya..

Think for a second, ...........
majority people feel they dont know who they are. they actually none of these pick them selve.

Apa apa pun mesti gunakan formula...
1+1=2 (majority)
1+1=11 (thinker outside box)

formula= my name is my name but if i change my name, it dosent change who iam. if i change my name, it dosent change who i am. if i change my occupation it dosent change who i am.

Pelan pelan....
Saya kasi cuntu nama saya mbah suling saya ganti dengan nama johngarpu sama sekali tidak menukar siapa diri saya begitu juga sahabat sahabat dan seterus nya.. jelas ya...!

if i removed your culture, nationality, religion, name and your occupation WHO ARE YOU?toink.. do you know who you are?toink.. or do you define yourself from the outside? if you define your self from the outside in you, you never conquer circumstance because nothing that you have picked about YOURSELF.
you actually picked about yourself somebody actually picked for you!.

IN FACT FOR MAJORITY OF PEOPLE. 100% of their identity has been given to them by others.

Think for second if you dont know who you are. so what is the basic of yours decisions? how do you make decisions? momy, dady, teacher tell me!, media, politic, boses, collegues tell me!. No wonder majority of people are UNHAPPY.
they ended up somewhere they dont wanna go because instead of listening to what inside, they were listen to what outside. Thats the reasons.

Who you are is not you nationality, your culture, your religion, or you occupation, who you are is define by you purpose, passions, your value, your strengths, your genius and your goals. majority people cannot tell me about their own purpose, their passion, their value, their strengths, mission and goal. most people dont know who there are. their living a lie a fabricated identity given to them by society.

Is it no wonder that despite the fact that we have the best technology and medical advance in this world today, majority of people have NO CONFIDENT they are masih...
depressed, stuck, stress, in mediocrity thats the reasons,

“Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is what others think you are. This qote from” -John Wooden not JohnGarpu.

you have got to fix this..

Segala puji hanya milik Allah swt
Allahu yaa fatah ...
(Wahai yang pembuka kebaikan)

Hairolazmi (author)
john Garpu (Mr motivater)
John wooden (quote)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2022 ⏰

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