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*buzz buzz* Nia's phone vibrated in her shorts pocket on the floor. She had run downstairs to help the boys with their pizza. I laid in the bed contemplating whether I should get it and take it to her or just let it be.

I could hear the boys chattering downstairs. They were always so loud. Nia was so good with them. I decided to lay there and wait for her to come back. I grabbed my phone from the foot of the bed. The cold air from the ceiling fan made my skin tingle a little bit. I propped my pillow up against the headboard, pulling the sheet up over my chest. My friend Keenan had sent me a couple TikToks. I watched them cracking up laughing.

*Buzz buzz* Nia's phone went off again. Just then, she walked in the room smiling. "Your phone has been going off like crazy," I said. She reached down grabbing it while telling me how the boys gobbled their pizza down so they can go back and play the game.

She climbed back into bed, phone in hand, she slipped under the covers with me so close that our thighs touched. Her skin was cold. "Oh that was my best friend, Carmen. She was telling me she's coming home this weekend."


Carmen: I've been thinking about what happened non-stop.
Me: ...
Carmen: I wanna break up with Jordan.
Me: Girl, what?! You're doing too much.
Carmen: You have me so far gone, best friend.
Me: I'm talking to Arielle.
Carmen: I want to meet her.
Me: Why?
Carmen: Because...
Me: You really gonna break up with him?
Carmen: I might. 🤷🏽‍♀️
Me: Damn...
Carmen: have a threesome?
Me: What?
Carmen: You know, me and J were talking about it. I still want to.
Me: With ME?!
Carmen: And another person...
Me: Idk.
Carmen: Arielle...
Me: No.
Carmen: Why not?
Me: NO.

Arielle: What are y'all talking about?

I panicked and pressed my phone against my chest. "Nothing..." she looked at me kinda funny. "You keeping secrets?" She kissed my shoulder and pulled me close. "You can tell me..." I looked at her with a smile. "What?" She said. I placed a kiss on her forehead.

*Buzz buzz*
Carmen: I want you again, best friend. And I want her.

Arielle: Somebody really wants to talk to you.
Me: It's my best friend, Carmen.

Carmen: I want you so bad it hurts.

I squirmed in the bed, making Arielle readjust.

Arielle: You okay?
Me: Yeah...

Carmen: Talk to me.
Me: Idk what to say.
Carmen: Tell me you feel the same way.
Me: I'm with Arielle.
Carmen: I told you she could come too.
Me: You wylin'.
Carmen: I'll be home in bout a hour. Ima come over.
Carmen: So we can talk...
Me: Talk or fuck?
Carmen: Both...
Me: I'm at her house.
Carmen: Okay.

Arielle: You're quiet.

I looked at her with a smile. "I don't have nothing to say." Her eyes locked with mine. "I're beautiful."

*buzz buzz*

I tried to ignore it but it buzzed again. I picked my phone back up off my chest and opened the message. "I'm so horny I can't even focus on driving." I squirmed a bit more. "Please be safe," I replied back. 

Carmen: I'm almost in the city.
Me: Okay...

"Nia...Nia?" I felt Arielle gently shaking me. "You good?" I snapped out of it. My mind had begun to wonder. "Uh yeah...I should go check on the boys." I jumped up from the bed and went down the hall to their playroom.

*knock knock* "Y'all alright in here?" I asked. 
Kendall: Yeah! We're playing Super Smash brothers! Jacob can't beat me! I'm too good!
Jacob: I got two wins! That's alright!
Me: Y'all not tired yet?
Jacob: Nope!
Me: Okay. Be good! Come get me if you need me!
Kendall: Yes ma'am!

I closed the door to the play room and started back down the hallway to Arielle's room.
*Buzz buzz* I lifted my phone to read that notification.
"Car Car sent an attachment*

When I opened it, it was a picture of her squeezing her right boob.

Me: Jesus, Carmen.
Carmen: You think I'm playing, don't you?
Me: No. I actually don't.
Carmen: We opened up a can of worms.
Me: We did...
Carmen: Why do things happen this way?
Me: Why didn't you tell me?
Carmen: Cuz I didn't think you felt the same way.
Carmen: Or that you were into girls.
Me: But why you didn't tell me you were.
Carmen: Idk.

I opened the door back to Arielle's room to find her fixing her ponytail in the her bedazzled full length mirror. Butt naked. Still. Her ass sat just right and her titties stood at attention in the reflection in the mirror. "Goodness..."

I walked up behind her, admiring her, wrapping my arms around her waist, kissing her neck. "Fuck..."

*Bzzz bzzz* "Jesus, Carmen!"
Arielle: Is she okay?
Me: Yeah...she's headed home from school.
Arielle: You should invite her over.
Me: I think she has plans.
Arielle: Well if she doesn't, she should come hang out.
Me: I'll tell her.

I opened the message.
Carmen: 😘
Me: I love you too.
Carmen: Not the way I love you.
Me: You don't know that.
Carmen: Stop playin'.
Me: You have my mind all over the place.

Arielle finished her bun and led me back to the bed, pulling me on top of her. Our lips met, our tongues immediately entered the other's mouth.

*Bzzz bzzz*
I glanced at my phone on the pillow
Carmen: What are you doing?

Without taking my lips off of her, I unlocked my phone and recorded a ten second video and sent it. I dropped my phone back on the bed and drew arms above her head, fingers interlocked. Our bodies pressed up against each other.

*Bzzz Bzzz*
Carmen: Fuckk. I'm so horny, best friend.

My eyes read the message and went back to Arielle. "Mmm baby..."

*bzzz bzzz*

Arielle reached up to grab my phone. "No more..." I kissed her lips. "She's driving. I gotta see what she said." I kissed her lips again before taking my phone and unlocking it.

She'd sent a video. The sound was down but she was using her knee to drive and holding the camera down so she could slide her hands in her pants.

I immediately called her. "Yes..."
"Please be safe. Stop playing. Forreal." She moaned. "Nia...I need to see you..."
I looked at Arielle in her eyes. "And that's fine. But chill. Be safe. Please." I pleaded. "Okay..."

"I'm serious, Carmen." She let out a sigh. "I will...I promise." "Okay." We hung up. Arielle looked at my confusingly. "Is everything okay?"

I kissed her lips before she could even get it out.

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