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A L E X A N D R A | J O N E S 

Two years after the wedding

Adeline is seven months old; she has her father's eyes and my dark brown hair. In my opinion, she is absolutely beautiful. I graze her cheeks, wanting her to fall asleep soon. Her hands wrap around my pinkie, and she brings it towards her mouth. My eyes widen, she's hungry yet again.

I want to let out an exhausted scream.

I gently pick her up from the crib, settling on my rocking chair as I begin to breastfeed her. It has officially been four years since we married, and God has blessed us with a beautiful little girl. Yes, she grew up catholic. But not as extreme as I grew up. No way would I ever treat my daughter like she's less than anything.

Ares and I made a promise, we promise to always listen to her in need, to always account to her feelings and to always treat her like a human. She deserves to experience, to feel the thrill I have felt without doing it behind my back, without fearing what I will do to her. Experience is key.

The door creaks open, my eyes lift up and I see Ares leaning against the door frame. His arms folded against his chest, he gives me a soft smile and i return one back to him. He comes towards us, grabbing a little stool as he sat beside me. He gently caresses Adeline's hair.

"She's beautiful..." I whisper.

"She got it from her mother, what do you expect?" He chuckles gently, I look towards him, and he brushes my lips before pressing his own against it. "Guess my pull-out game isn't so strong after all."

I slap him against the chest, "don't say that she was not an accident." Ares chuckles even more, I graze Adeline's chubby cheeks. "She was the most planned baby in the world," I whisper to her, as if to reassure her. Aunt Coraline keeps telling me how Adeline looks a lot like her, they look nothing alike.

Once Adeline has been fed, we settle her back down gently into the crib and tiptoe out of the room. We leave the door fully open and rush downstairs, Ares looked like a goddamn child waiting for a treat.

As did I.

The moment we hit the living room floor, he smashes his lips against mine and we stumble backwards. He grabs my shirt and lifts it over my head, I unbuckle his trousers and allow it to drop onto the ground. It makes a thudding noise; we both pause wide eyed. I bite onto my lips; we wait for her cries but once we heard nothing we continued.

Ares kisses down the nape of my neck, I let out a soft chuckle as I slide my hands underneath his shirt. "I feel like a fucking teenager again." He whispers, I shake my head and push him down onto the couch. I straddle him whilst pulling out his dick, I rub onto myself but not for long as I was just wet by the thought of Ares.

Suddenly the doorbell rings, both our head flings up and Adeline suddenly begins crying. We both let out a loud groan, before stepping away from one another. "I'll get Adeline." He offers.

"I'll get the door." I wash my hands quickly, "one second!"

As I walk towards the front entrance of our house, I open the door and it's as if everything in my heart drops at the same time.

She stood there, injured, and battered.

Cathy wipes her nose with the sleeve of her old sweater while looking down at her feet. "You-your mother told me you'd be here," she says quietly.

For the first time in five years; this is the first time I have ever seen Cathy.

"Angelos, who is it?" I look behind me and see Ares walking towards us with Adeline cradled in his arms, Cathy looks in-between the both of us. And then the baby, she releases a soft sigh of shock.

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