Chapter 22

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Evelyn's Pov

Walking downstairs to the dungeon with Thomas beside me, I feel scared just walking in the dungeon room. Looking around and only light found in one small window.

Thomas walked forward and unlocking the cell, It was so dark that I can't see if there's a person inside. Looking carefully then Thomas watched me "I'll leave you with them for a while" he said, I nodded "Thank you" before Thomas walked back upstairs.

I looked inside the cell and slowly get inside "Anne? Carl?" I called them out, I took a torch and gasped at the condition of Carl, bruised lips and dry blood on his forehead. I rushed and kneel down "Carl! Oh, gosh" I shake him up.

Carl slowly regain consciousness and looked up to me "E-evelyn?" He called me with his weak voice, I nodded quickly and tears forming in my eyes "Oh, Carl!" I hugged him tightly, making him groaned in pain.

I gasped and quickly pull back from the hug "Carl, what have they done to you?" I asked, Carl then looked up at the ceiling "They tortured me, I thought I'm dying because my body is weak and my eyes are tired to stay open" he replied, tears form in my eyes and I clenched my fist "How could Thomas do something that cruel!" I said angrily.

Carl held my hand and I turned to look at him, changing my anger to worry "You are fine, I'll ask Thomas to send someone heal you both" I said while holding his hand tightly, turning my head to Anne who is sleeping on the cold ground.

Carl nodded before coughing, I held him up carefully "Please stay awake" I said, Carl nodded his head before coughing again. I stood up and clenched my fist but controlled my anger as I walked upstairs.

Walking upstairs to find Thomas talking with Jack, I take a deep breathe to control my anger down "Thomas" They turned to look at me then Thomas walked closer "Please heal my friends" I said, tears began to drop on my cheek.

Thomas quickly wiped them off, I somehow disgusted of these hands the same hands that kill people and hurted my friends "As my Queen says" He said before caressing my cheek, I forced a smile and looked at Jack who's already looking at us both which I can see Jealousy in his eyes.

I furrowed confusedly at the eyes of Jack, Why is he Jealous? I asked myself and Thomas held my hand, that's when I watched Jack clenching his fist. When I was about to react, Thomas dragged me upstairs with him. "Commander Jack, send the medicians and bring Carl and Anne out of their cell" Thomas said, Jack nodded and bowed his head down "Yes, Sire"

I ignored it and just followed Thomas as he dragged me upstairs, later I waited for Anne and Carl's news and right then, Thomas walked inside the room "They're awake" He said. I gasped and quickly followed Thomas.

Opening the door and I covered my mouth, this is not my friend's faces. Tears began falling to my eyes "Evelyn" Anne said, I quickly ran towards her and hugged her tightly. Carl came behind me and hugged me too.

I can't believe, this monster hurted them and I just let him?! I controlled my anger for a while and turned to Thomas slowly with my red eyes due to crying "Give us a moment alone" I said, Thomas nodded and closed the door.

Turning around and Anne caressed my face "oh, how I miss seeing and holding you" she said with tears in her eyes too, I smiled through my tears and nodded "I cant believe he tortured you both, I am going to stay angry at him 'til the day I die!" I said while gritting my teeth angrily.

Anne and Carl hugged me as we both crying in happiness and in sadness "How are you only that chill of being angry at him? Did he poison you?" Anne asks, I shook my head and wiped my tears away "I pretended to love him so he can trust me" I said.

His QueenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang