Chapter 21: Secrets Revealed

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Sorry. I didn't have a choice.


After a few hours of playing in the sea, we went back home and Amara and I promised to catch up later on.

In the car, the boys were belting out a rendition of whatever was playing on the radio and I laughed, thinking of the best way to tell them about my sickness.

'Hey guys! Guess what? I'm dying! And, here's the best bit, I knew when I was fourteen and didn't tell you!'

Now that conversation will go down well.

"-Ree? Hey, Ree? You okay?"

I blinked and found a hand waving in front of my face. I slapped it away and laughed- an ugly, forced sound that I'm sure fooled no one. "Yeah, yeah... I'm fine. I have to, uh, I have to tell you something when we- when we get home."

"Damn... could you be anymore cryptic?" Ethan snorted, but he seemed a little wary.

My knee bounced up and down and I breathed out shakily between my fingers. Bile crawled up my throat and I swallowed it back down.

We pulled up in the drive. My heartbeat echoed in my ears as I slowly unlocked the door. I stepped in and went to the living room.

'There's no going back after this.' I thought as the boys took a seat.

"What's up, Arya? You're scaring me." Nick laughed nervously.

"Um, well- the- er, the thing is, um-" I tried to start, but didn't get much further as Zack's ringtone cut through my rambling.

His eyes widened. "It's the hospital." He pressed the answer button and held the phone up to his ear. "Hello? Yes, I am Issac Valencio.... What?... Really? Oh my God.... I- yes! Thank you so much!"

"Everything okay?" Caleb asked.

Zack looked up, his eyes sparkling with happiness. "My mum woke up!" We cheered and congratulated Issac.

"Bring out the good wine! We shall drink until we are drunk!" Ethan declared and the boys hollered out a 'yes!' In reply.

"This is the best news we've received all week!" Nick said, popping open the bottle and pouring himself a generous glass.

The atmosphere changed from anxious and worried to happy and light. There's no way I could tell my secret now-

"I propose a toast!" Ethan cried out, already slightly tipsy. "To- to Zack's mother's health! And- and to all the men and women we've known and lost. And finally, to Arya's good health! I'm very happy that we found her!"

"Cheers!" The boys yelled and I tried very hard to not cry.

A horrible knot formed in my stomach. It grew bigger and bigger with every tick of the clock. My heart pounded and blood roared in my ears. "Guys, I really really have to tell you something."

Sensing the anxiety in my tone, the boys sobered up and became more sombre. Even Caleb- who had been singing 'Oh Christmas Tree' in a very off-key tone.

Wrong Place, Wrong Time ✔️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя