Hello, Gregory!

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I was sound asleep; dreaming about the day I met Ness. It was a nice sunny day, I had managed to outrun an angry person I stole $10 from, I went to a large park to stay hidden until I knew for certain that the angry man was shaken off my tail.

When the coast was clear, I came out from my hiding spot and walked around the park to see if I could find any loose change on the ground. After finding a few discarded dimes, I started walking down a hill. Unfortunately, I tripped and tumbled down the hill. Instead of cracking my skull, I received a nasty scrape on my left elbow after colliding with the concrete pavement, my elbow felt like it was being stabbed by hundreds of tiny needles, I felt the blood flowing out of the open wound, I felt the tears streaming down my face.

While I was curling into a ball in pain on the concrete ground, I heard a stranger's voice cry out in concern, "Oh my goodness, are you ok?!" I looked up to see who was talking to me, I couldn't see the person clearly due to tears blurring my vision, but I could tell from the stranger's voice that it was a woman. The stranger extended her hand to me on the ground to help me stand up.

I grabbed her hand and was pulled up, I was able to get a better look at the mysterious woman when I got back on my feet; the stranger who helped me was a caucasian woman who looked to be in her early or mid twenties with long blonde hair, emerald green eyes and was wearing a purple checkered sweater with a brown handbag slung over her right shoulder. She was about to ask me why I was crying, but when she looked at my bleeding elbow, she understood the problem and knew what to do.

"Here, let me help you." She said, she reached into her handbag and pulled out a few napkins and a band-aid. She placed one napkin on my bleeding elbow, I was too busy being confused by what was happening to feel the small jolt of pain when the napkin made contact with my cut skin, 'Why? Why is this woman helping me?' I thought to myself, this was the first time an adult had treated an injury for me, I sometimes received this sort of kindness from the so-called "guardians" that live under the same roof as me. Once the bleeding stopped, she threw the bloody napkin in a nearby garbage can and placed the band-aid over the cut.

I was brought back to reality when I felt the band-aid sticking to my elbow, the woman smiled when the band-aid was applied, "Do you feel better?" She asked. I turned to her and nervously responded, "Y-Yes. Thank you, M-Miss..." "Ness, my name is Ness." I can get nervous when I meet a new person face to face, "Th-Thank you, Ness, my name is Gre-Gregory." I stuttered. "It's very nice to meet you, Gregory. I'm glad I was able to help you." Before we could continue talking, we heard a voice shouting from not far away, "There you are, Gregory!" The voice said.

A girl with ruby red hair wearing a pink short-sleeved shirt and slightly ripped jeans ran up to me while I was surprised and stopped to catch her breath.

"Abby? What are you doing here?" I asked, "We need to get back, it's almost time for dinner

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"Abby? What are you doing here?" I asked, "We need to get back, it's almost time for dinner." She said. If we were late for dinner, then both of us would end up going to bed hungry again. Abby turned her attention to Ness and said, "I'm sorry for any trouble he caused you."

Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach: The NovelizationWhere stories live. Discover now