Chapter 11: Evelyn

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"M..." I groaned, "Max... Maximus."

My face shot up, as I found myself lying on my stomach. I groaned, pushed my matted hair out of my face, and sat up. My head ached as my dream from the night before came to the forefront of my mind.

I had awoken to an odd comfort. Warm strong arms encircled me, and I felt fingertips tracing my skin. My eyes were heavy and yet I willed myself to open my eyes. I found myself lying atop a strong masculine body, and my eyes searched for his face.

"Max?" my voice shook.

In that moment, his cold blue eyes seemed like waves willing me to sleep. A soft hum filled the air, lulling me like the ocean's waves. It seemed familiar as if I had heard it before. But, my mind was too tired to place it in the basket of memories that filled my head. I felt soft hands caress my back as kisses were pressed to my forehead. And with that, I melted back into the world of sleep.

It was an odd dream as if my psyche was taunting me. Taunting me with wishes to be with a man who left without a word but "I'm sorry." His departure seemed to haunt me.

Am I really so obsessed with him that I dreamed he was in my bed?

Pain seemed to erupt in my soul as I realized that Maximus was gone. It was an ache of absence. That the dream just reinforced. My room and my house, which had once felt so warm, suddenly felt cold and empty. Lacking.

It lacked him.

Sighing, I got out of bed and grabbed a hoodie and sweatpants from my closet. I looked in the mirror taking in my sunken eyes. The ghost-like face in the mirror made it truly look like my soul had left me.

Breathing deeply, I braided my hair and grabbed a bit of concealer, trying to cover my exhausted features. I had promised to go with Madi to visit Mr. Weaver today, so no matter how crappy I felt I knew I had to pull myself together. For Madi's sake at least.

Walking downstairs, I saw my parents sitting at the kitchen aisle. They both looked at me expectantly, as if awaiting me to say or do something. I noticed how they both looked exhausted. My dad's white hair which usually looked thick and wavy was unkempt. His tan skin looked pale, ghastly. My mom looked slightly better, but she looked aged as if 5 years had passed in a matter of days.

I stood in silence for a moment, just staring at them. And, they stared back. My dad peered at me through his reading glasses, and my mom twiddled her fingers around a thermos of coffee.

"Is something wrong...?" I asked, pulling my brows together.

The trance broke as my mom awkwardly laughed, "Oh no... nothing honey, we've just been a bit concerned about you. You know this is the first time you've come down from upstairs in the last couple of days...?"

I was incredibly confused. The last few days felt like a blur with memories of a strange wolf in my dreams clouding my vision. I grasped my forehead and realized she was right, I had mostly slept all day and stayed in my room the last couple of days.

"I-I'm fine mom," I gave her a half-smile which I quickly realized appeared to be more of a grimace.

"Are you sure, Evie?" my dad looked at me in concern. He stood up and walked over to be grasping my arms softly, "You know you can talk to me right?"

I nodded my head as he whispered, "good" and kissed my forehead.

"This coffee is for you sweetie!" mom said, handing me the thermos I had seen earlier.

"Thanks, Mama," I smiled with a sigh.

"I better get going," I looked down at the cup, and hesitated. I didn't want to go, something felt off about me. But I pushed the feeling aside and looked to both of my parents with a soft smile, "Love you guys."

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