7. My Hair Only Gets Pulled On My Terms

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"Listen up, everyone!" Mia shouts at the group, taking control of today's task like a pro

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"Listen up, everyone!" Mia shouts at the group, taking control of today's task like a pro. Not at all like a control freak. Because that would be rude. "We're about to get started on the scavenger hunt."

She starts passing papers out to the middle schoolers we've been assigned to, while I stand there doing nothing. Apart from wondering why the hell I'm working with her again.

It's not exactly that I mind working with Mia. She's pleasant enough, nice to look at. It's just that I'm pretty sure she hasn't gotten over the fact that I was late that first day we were assigned together, and now she doesn't trust me.

It probably doesn't help that I showed up late the next couple times we were paired up, too. And trying to drive her home last weekend after I'd been drinking probably didn't help my case either, even though she admitted to overreacting. But I also admitted to not keeping my word. So, basically, we're at square one. The same square we've been stuck at since we met.

I'm trying to gain her trust. I don't know why it means so much to me, but I'm determined.

That's why as soon as I read the assignment sheet today, the first thing I did was track Mia down and proceed to follow her around all morning. It was partly to make sure I was exactly on time, partly to be a dick. Both tasks were successful.

I stayed right by her side as she grabbed coffee and chit-chatted with the other volunteers, hovered over her while she changed her shoes, and even waited for her outside the bathroom.

She tried to ignore me, but I'm impossible to ignore. I got two eye rolls out of her, an exasperated grunt, one defeated sigh. And for all my efforts, I was right on her heels as she headed to our group spot. Perfectly on time. Completely on her nerves. Success.

What's not a success is this activity.

My ears are tuned into the kids as they read off the items from the scavenger hunt list, their displeasure and confusion clear.

The first problem here is that they have a bunch of middle schoolers doing a scavenger hunt. Those things are for toddlers. But on top of that, the list sounds like it's actually for toddlers.

I reach for the paper in Mia's hand. "Let me see that," I demand, quickly adding a smile and a very polite, "Please."

She grumbles, but hands it over. She also won't meet my eyes, which tells me more than the actual list could ever say. And yet, the list still blows my mind.

A book.

A pair of shoes...

Building blocks?

A baby doll?!

"Mia..." My voice comes out like a warning.

"I know," she sighs.

"Who Googled this shit and thought it was a good idea for us to use with this group?"

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