⭐⭐⭐|¦_Things Get Titanic_¦|⭐⭐⭐

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So... Hi again.
You guys must really be angry, because I would have been too, if I was in you place. Sorry for disappearing of the face of earth for a long time, because I really wasn't expecting to be this busy with my schoolwork. I swear, my teachers are really evil. One month, two month. And eventually I forgot about my fanfictions. So here I am now, back after nearly over 4 months. But now I am back. I really don't intend to leave (unless I die, obv... Jk) I guess I just wouldn't be able to get as much time for writing as I used to. Thank you for your patience, and here is the new chapter. Enjoy!


"We're in big trouble Percy. If my Omnitrix identified him as a Titan, then we're screwed. I don't want to fight unprepared." I said, both me and Percy backing onto a corner.

Percy was assessing the Titan however. "We have to lure him away from the city. Somewhere we can fight well."


Our weekly hangout looked promising this time. No monsters, no Titans, no danger, nothing. Every single time me and Percy went outside, some random or crazy monster attacked us. That's why we spent most of our time in home.

And I really shouldn't have jinxed myself, because things always go wrong when I assume they would not.

I needed a huge break from the recent training the gods have been giving me. I mean seriously, the last one would have killed me.

Still I always happen to survive, and I'm plenty happy to not complain about it.

"Hey Perce, can't you take some break from the camp? It would be good for your health. Constant training is bad for your health." I said to an exhausted looking Percy.

"I have to do it though. I can't help but feel this prophecy they are hiding is for me. What frustrates me is that everyone knows, even Thalia and Nico. Thalia, I understand, her being a hunter and whatnot, but Nico knowing is unfair. Plus... I'm not sure about his crazy idea..." Percy said gasping some air in between.

I sighed. Ever since Nico had presented the idea of bathing in River Styx, I had been really skeptical. I mean, it can just kill you if you don't know the steps. But on the other hand it could potentially give Percy a power boost to win us the war.

"Look, let your worries go away for now. Come on, let's just hang out in the city for old times sakes."

"Old times sakes? Would it include fighting through monsters to get to one Cafe?" Percy quipped.

"Aw come on. Besides it could potentially give you more training. You know like, experience is practice or whatever." I said convincingly. "Besides, it's on me."

"Alright," he sighed "I'm in. Where to first?"


In the end, we just ended up chatting with ourselves instead of going somewhere to eat because of monsters attacking constantly.

"I mean, I'm not even a human anymore. I'm really not sure what I am now. So me bathing in River Styx is dangerous." I said.

"That's unfair..." Percy said "Everything in this world sucks."

"What about..." I started to say when my danger senses kicked in. Percy caught on as well and started looking around.

I pulled Percy into a building's corner. A burly and tall person was walking, with his eyes indicating he was looking for something.

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