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Nagito is calling you!


yes | no

" Fucking finally you decide to call me. "

Nagito scoffed, and movement was heard from his side of the phone.

" You're lucky I even called. I can hang up right now and never call you again. "

Hajime stuck up his middle finger despite Nagito not even being able to see it, as they weren't facetiming and were using regular voice chat.

" We both know you can't go a day without talking to me. "

" Now as true as that is, Haji, I will not hesitate to block, mute, and report your gay ass. "

" You can't even close our dm. "

" It's hard to suppress the urge to just bully the fuck out of you. "

" Why bully the fuck out of me when you can just fuck the fuck out of me? "

Nagito couldn't tell if that was a joke or if Hajime was being serious. His tone of voice is really bad at changing. But, Nagito isn't Nagito without saying his usual out of pocket shit.

" I've done that in my dreams. It's sad, dream Hajime gets more action then real life Hajime. "

Nagito could hear the quiet gasp the other let out and he grinned to himself. He always knew how to make Hajime sit still in shock. Even through text.

He was so gay and Nagito was living for it.

" You're an ass. "

" I'd like to stick it in your a- "

" Komaeda. Get your ass over here right now! "

Nagito groaned.

" For what?! "

Hajime stiffiled a laugh, silently mocking Nagito on his voice crack. He heard Junko in the back, followed with Mukuro screaming for Nagito.

Nagito had muted himself, leaving Hajime to sit in silence for a little. They had gotten so comfortable with one another, it was honestly weird to him. They met through Nagito being a creep and looking at his followings, weird flirting, and now calling each other has if they were best friends who knew each other their whole lives.

Hajime was happy, if he were being truthful here. Maybe he'd thank Fuyuhiko for bringing him up that one day.

His thoughts were interrupted when Nagitos voice ringed through his ears.

" I'm sorry, I gotta go. I'm gonna kill Junko and Mukuro. My villain arc is still going, and it's strong. "

Hajime snorted. He didn't mean to, but it came out.

" That was ugly. "

It was jokingly, and Hajime snorted again.

" You're ugly. "

" Not true. You think I'm so hot, sexy, and beautiful. "

" Maybe I do. Maybe I don't. Tune in next week to see if Hajime thinks Nagito is; Hot, sexy, and beautiful. "

" You're an idiot. "

" I'm your idiot. "

" Ew, no. That's gay. I'm not gay. In fact I reek of heteros-"

" Komaeda! "

" Shut up I'm coming. "

Hajime snorted. Again.

" Keep snorting like that and you'll get no bitches. "

" Oh, fuck off. "

" Love you. "

Nagito had dragged out the "you" and Hajime was debating on hanging up right then and there.

But, he was nice and decided to give what Nagito really wanted.

" Love you too, I guess. "

" You guess? Wow the things I do for lo- "

Hajime has left the call!

Bye loser

Nagito has left the call!

Loser? That hurts me Haji

Anyways, I'll be back later, 'kay?

I think I stalled for too long, Junko is storming up the stairs

I'll text you later🙁🙁

If you even manage to survive

You can kiss me and bring me back to life


I don't know where your crusty ass lips have been 😦

These crusty ass lips were on your dick last night


Hajime is offline!



I'll be back don't think you're so safe

Nagito is offline!


been a year lol

anyways sorry if this
wasn't as good, i kinda
need to get back into the
mood of this story

𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 ; komahinaWhere stories live. Discover now