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It's been a year and it feels like I am stuck in an eternal winter. The clouds always seem dark to me and I can't seem to sustain a smile for longer than a couple of minutes. It's becoming very tiring for me and my schedule does not help.

Everyday is the same. I wake up, have breakfast, get ready for the day, go to work, come back from work with dinner, eat it in front of the tv and then go to sleep. It's the same thing over and over again. It is not healthy and even I know that.

But I just don't know how to break the cycle. What should I do?

"I am setting you up on a date." My sister said once I walked into the office. My sister and I have been close since birth and we are just a year apart. Our parents are still very much alive but they passed the company down to us immediately. I turned twenty four years old and my sister, twenty five.

Today was much like the other days. I woke up, showered and got ready for the day. I had picked out a black high waist flared pants and a long sleeved white cropped turtleneck that showed several inches of skin. My dark curls tamed and light lip gloss on my lip.

My sister, Leah, the president of the company, was dressed in a white long sleeved shirt with lace cuffs, tucked into a tight black pencil skirt with burgundy Nike sneakers on her feet. Her curly black hair kissing her shoulders and her brown eyes staring at me with excitement.

"I'm not going."

"Uh, yes you are. They have already agreed to meet you tonight." she said and I rolled my eyes at her. I leaned back into my seat and prayed to any spiritual being up there to just make this conversation stop here and now.

"I am still not going."

"It's either you go on this blind date that I picked out or mum sets you up and you know the kind of people she knows." Leah said and I let out another sigh. Why wouldn't they just leave me alone?

"Leah. . . "

"It's been a year."

"And?" I asked her, closing my eyes so I don't have to look at her. I wished I was anywhere else but here right now. So what if it's been a year? It still feels like it happened yesterday and I . . . just need more time. A very long time.

"Just go on this one date. You never know. What if you end up liking him?" Leah asked and I opened my eyes. It's better for me to go for the date set up by my sister rather than one done by my mother. She only knew all those stuck up rich boys that have no manners and an even worse personality. I didn't need that.

'Fine. But only for an hour." I said and Leah let out a loud cheerful scream, pumping her fist up into the air. She had a big grin on her face and I couldn't be mad at her when she looked so happy. Maybe this outing would be good for me. Get me out of my head for a little bit.

"Alright. I have a meeting with the accounting team, something about bonuses and what not." Leah said as she got up from her seat. She made her way over to me and pressed a kiss to my forehead before walking away. I watched her go and once she leaves, my secretary pokes her head in.

"Ready for your morning tea and a briefing?" my secretary asked. She has been working for me for two years now. Her name was Deborah and she was this tiny thing that always wore a pantsuit, her ID card hanging off her neck and she had a head with full bright red curls. She looked like she walked off the set of a disney movie. But man, when she is upset or you give her a reason to be mad she can curse up a storm and scream at you until you cower. That's what I liked about her. She was a sight to behold.

"Do you have something stronger?" I asked and she rolled her eyes at me.

"It's too early for alcohol." she said before shutting the door. I was left in the silence of my office and I let out another sigh. I swiveled the chair around so I could stare at the window. The layout of my office was pretty simple unlike Leah's elaborate space. I had a sitting area to one side, my large oak desk and overly comfortable swivel chair. half of the wall behind my desk were large floor length windows that looked over everything outside.

His Perfect Boy (DDLB) (ManxMan)Where stories live. Discover now