( 𝟎𝟒𝟐 ) the ending

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'master plan'


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LEXI AND STILES hadn't even noticed the boys cell phone constantly buzzing from his desk as they kissed, feeling like they were in their own little bubble instead of in the real world, where a lot of things and problems were happening outside of it - the fact that Jackson was in fact alive, and Scott needed their help, didn't occur to them, or the fact that Lydia was still sitting in the car outside, waiting for her sister to come back out. She didn't mind waiting, though, as she needed the girl to hit some sense into Stiles and open his eyes to the amazing girl her sister was.. The only thoughts going through Lexi's mind, was that she finally told Stiles she loved him, and he loved her back - it was a huge step in their relationship, and although they hadn't officially called themselves girlfriend and boyfriend, they knew they were, they didn't have to put a label on anything because of the world they lived in. They were happy with one another, and that's the only thing that mattered to the couple. The kiss felt like it went on for hours, until Lexi finally heard the buzzing of Stiles' phone, and glancing over to see over ten missed calls from Scott.

When Lexi looked down at the screen, her heart stopped beating at the words on the screen from Scott, not knowing how it was possible that Jackson was alive, after Melissa had confirmed his death on the field, everyone had seen it. "Uh, Stiles, you might wanna see this." Lexi said, keeping her eyes on the phone as she picked it up and handed it to the boy, watching as he read the text with furrowed brows, since he hadn't exactly been there when Jackson died, he was slightly confused, but once he read through the whole text, he understood a lot more about what had happened at the game after Gerard had snatched him out in the open. "Me and Lydia can help him." She said, as Stiles read through the text with furrowed brows.

"Lydia?" Stiles asked, looking up from the phone in confusion, not knowing why Lexi would mention her sister since the girl didn't know anything about the situation. "Does Lydia know about this?" He asked, not understanding what Lexi was on about - the last time he checked, Lydia didn't know anything about what was going on, how could she know everything in such a short amount of time between their birthday to now?

Lexi sighed, "It's a long story, but she knows bits and pieces of everything, and she has had an idea since we were both bit by Peter." She explained, knowing that there wasn't enough time to go through everything Lydia knew and didn't know, they needed to get to Jackson and hopefully help him get back to his original state instead of the murderous Kanima he had been since the prom. Lexi knew that Stiles wasn't going to be happy with her wanting to go and help Jackson, but she didn't exactly care at the moment, not when she could help bring him back to a state where he could control his own actions - even if he had changed lately, that didn't mean Lexi and Lydia was going to give up on him. "But I'm one hundred percent sure that Jackson still loves my sister, and we can use that to our advantage, we can bring him back." She explained, waiting for Stiles to flip out and claim that he didn't want the girl anywhere near Jackson at the moment.

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