bathtime (smut)

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Nightmare pov:

Me and that gang came back from an AU we destroyed and we were all covered in blood and dust "fuck I need to take a shower" killer said trying to shake the blood of his sleeve "agreed" horror said "I need to clean up before the tentacles wake up and get pissed off about the blood" I said annoyed "doesn't dopey like blood?" Killer asked "yes but the rest hate it and are gonna kill me for this" I told him starting to walk to my room. I walked through my room and into my bathroom. I began taking my jumper off when I suddenly felt a hard smack on the back of the head "ow! Wth!" I looked and sew sleepy Henry and grumpy looking extremely annoyed "oh- heeey guys" I said scratching the back of my head. Grumpy rammed into my arm and Henry made a annoyed gurgle sound "yeah yeah I get it! It just got a bit messy I'm cleaning up now" I said. I looked to try fined dopey and sew him a bit lower messing with the blood on him "dopey you scare me sometimes" I said a bit concerned. He made a happy gurgle and I continued to get undressed. Once I was fully naked I turned the shower on and hoped in. I watched as the blood washed of and mixed with the water going into the drain. I grabbed a rag and began cleaning them all off. Henry and grumpy enjoyed showers and baths. They liked being cleaned for some reason. Sleepy wasn't really bothered about it was to tired I guess. But dopey was a huge pain in the ass. He hated shower and he hated being cleaned "dopey I'm not letting you stay all bloody" I said. He continued to avoid me trying his best to stay out the shower "dopey we do this every day stop being stubborn" I said irritated. He's normally a pain when I take a shower but he is more of one when messy because he doesn't want to wash it off. I noticed grumpy slowly approaching dopey and suddenly rap around him and pull him into the water. I grabbed him and cleaned him off before he broke free. He let out a angry gurgle "oh shut it. Thank you grumpy" grumpy nodded as dopey sat there moping. I thought for a second before having an idea "now that the bloods gone how about a bubble bath?" They all perked up. I chuckled turning the shower of and leaning down to the tap sitting down in th back. I turned the tap on changing it a bit untill it was the right temperature. Then I put the plug in and began pouring soap where the tap was. As the water raised bubbles began to form. I layed back and began to relax as I felt the water rise. Henry, dopey and sleepy started playing with the bubbles while grumpy came up and relaxed on my chest. Once the water was at my chest Henry turned the tap off and we all just enjoyed the bath.

A little while whent by and I began feeling one of them rubbing my thigh slightly. I opened an eye to see dopey, then grumpy began slowly slithering down and rubbing my pelvis slightly "you guys literally don't think about anything other than fucking me" I said sarcastically beginning to summon my female body. They all got exited when they saw I was letting them have there fun. I don't take baths to often so I thought it would be fair, besides its been ages since they fucked me in the bath. Once my body was summoned grumpy and dopey started groping my breast. Henry slid the tip of himself in my mouth starting to play with my tongue. And sleepy started playing with my clit vibrating against it. I let out soft moans as my body was pleasured. Sleepy slowly started going lower and began going into me. I gasped before letting out a long moan as I felt him slither inside me while still vibrating. Grumpy got two more tentacles and used them to hold my knees up and spread my legs wide open. Grumpy and dopey stopped playing with my breasts and whent down to sleepy, they gave my clit a little attention before sliding down into my cunt. I let out a loud moan as they both slithered inside along with sleepy. Once all three were at my womb they began thrusting while Henry started deep throating me. I let out muffled cries of bliss as they all fucked my needy hole. The water splashed and started going on the floor. I gripped the side of the bath squinting my eyes. Henry pulled out of my mouth letting a spring of moans and cusses escape. He whent down to my clit and started playing with it. He then summoned this sucker thingy. Henry had the ability to summon suckers all over his under side, like an octopuses sucker. Non of the others could just him. He he used one to began sucking of my clit and I let out a cry of pleasure feeling it. "Aaah~! F-fuck~! Harder~! Ngh~! Please~! more~!" I moaned blissfully. My toes curved and ment as my sensitive cunt was destroyed. I very quickly felt a knot build up "AAaaahH~! C-clOSe~!" I blurted out between moans. They started going harder and began to curve and move inside me. I continued to cry out untill I suddenly came aggressively onto them "good thing we are in a bath" I thought to myself. They kept going for a few second before stopping. I panted trying to catch my breath "fuck you guys are good" I said going limp. Grumpy released my legs causing them to fall with a splash. They all crawled out of me and quickly cleaned of in the water before coming up to me and nuzzling me. I reached my hand up stroking them "thanks..." I said tiredly. We all relaxed in the bath for a little while before getting out and heading to bed. I didn't bother getting dressed just quickly rubbed myself down with a towel and collapsed into bed then fell asleep within seconds.


Hope you enjoyed. I'm really liking this story so far. I don't know if you noticed but I'm giving each tentacle it's own little ability and slowly revealing that ability in each story.

(15 July)

tentacles X nightmare (smut)Where stories live. Discover now