Fifty One

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Charlotte Crawford

The remaining time I spent at the hospital wasn't easy. I could tell Nate was holding back stuff from me, it was all over his face. He always looked worried, I knew he wanted talk about something he was hiding, but after all the stress I endured he didn't want to share.

But it's me, he should be able to talk to me without being scared. Everyone around me was walking on eggshells and avoiding reality.

I looked over to the arm chair in the corner where Belle sat on her phone and she noticed my eyes on her "you need to go back to school"

"I've been doing it online, I want to see Emma. She hasn't shown up yet, I haven't seen her since she supposedly died" she crossed her arms in frustration and looked to me

"What about the hot British boy who you've been seeing?" I raised a brow "last i heard.. you two were pretty hot and heavy?"

"You want me to live out your Tom Holland fantasies?" She joked as I felt my cheeks turn crimson

"You fantasize about a child amore?" I looked up to him seemingly jealous

"Excuse you he is twenty six! Older then me and just two years younger than you mister" Belle chuckled "and no, I fantasize about Harry styles more than him?" He scoffed

"Baby come on who doesn't love Spider-Man!"

"Now I know to keep you away from the Met or the Oscars" I looked to Belle who shared the same jaw dropped look who spoke before I could

"You go to the fucking met gala!" She dropped her phone to her lap "you-" her eyes shot to me "and as his wife you would've gotten to go!"

"Well... we don't know about that" I said and looked to Nate who shrugged

"Your going to be giving birth and still recovering love. Of course the invitation is never skipped"

"To the most exclusive party of the year!" Belle said not skipping a beat "are you fucking kidding me?" He glared at her

"What's up with all the swears? I also knew about the spider man obsessions but didn't know it was strictly Tom Holland"

"Oh it is so not strictly Tom Holland she's got a thing for Andrew and Toby to!" Belle giggled as I felt the betrayal sink in "she just happened to fall for Tom the most, I prefer Zendaya"

I looked to Nate who's faced showed annoyance as I shared a smug look to him "I prefer Nathaniel" he rolled his eyes at me

"I see Bella, be sweet to me in hopes I'd forget" he leaned down smashing his lips against mine "now stand, it's an important day.... you get to come home" he hadn't left my side at all

He refused to go to work or home. He'd take the occasional call which I forced him to but he refused to leave my side. Belle would go back to the house and shower, but wouldn't go back i school in person.

"And it's a big day, you get to go back to school!" I turned to him "and you get to go back to work!" I smiled staring at him

"Why can't I start my leave yet for you and the baby?" I raised a brow "Thee Nate Crawford wants to opt out of work earlier because his pregnant wife's almost there but not quite yet?" He rolled his eyes

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