🏮74. Nova's Past

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Nova was sitting in a dimly lit club all alone. She had been here for hours, doing nothing really, but thinking. Her mom had given her life and her dad had taken away her mom's life. It was inevitable that she would think about this on her birthday. Although Nova hadn't always been her name, her original name wasn't worth mentioning.

She wasn't really sure how Aria had fallen in love with Larry in the first place. Her mom wasn't exactly ugly, but her dad was just a typical commoner. She didn't know what her mom's background was, but she knew that it wasn't normal.

Nova glanced down at herself and how well she filled out her dress. As soon as she had released the magic changing her appearance, she gained back the body she should have had all along. I didn't feel like her body though, she felt like an imposter. She was the girl who never grew up.

It was all her mom's doing. Her mom knew that her dad was going to sell her to a brothel just as soon as she hit maturity. The messed up part was that Nova was Larry's biological daughter. He just enjoyed drugs more than an extra mouth to feed. Not that she had ever eaten much of anything after he'd beaten her mom to death.

It hadn't taken much for him to decide to kill her mom. They had been in a heated argument about a woman that he'd decided to bring home and announce her as his concubine. Tina had mostly basic facial features, but she was quite curvy, and willing to carry out whatever sexual fantasy Larry could come up with. Nova knew far more about this than she should have, because Tina wasn't exactly subtle while trying to seduce Nova's dad.

Commoners rarely had concubines, because they couldn't afford them, and her parents hadn't been an exception. Even though Aria wasn't pleased about another woman coming into their home, her biggest concern was that they didn't even have enough money to eat for themselves.

She had to go out into the woods just to find food, because her husband refused to keep a job, and frittered away any money he made. Now he decided to bring in another freeloader who expected Aria to provide food for her while she was busy sleeping with Aria's husband.

During one of their arguments, Aria had lost control of the magic around her eyes. Her eye color changed from chocolate brown to purple while they were yelling. Nova had seen her dad's shocked appearance when he saw her eyes, followed by horror.

"A Mystic," he had whispered.

Nova remembered her mom's face going pale white, as she glanced back at Nova who was sitting on their straw couch. Their eyes locked onto each other's and she mouthed the word run. Then she turned towards the front door, just as a baseball bat came crashing down on the back of her head. He didn't stop with just one swing, he yelled out while repeatedly beating Aria into a battered mess of broken bones and pulp. Nova sat still in shock and disbelief, but was brought out of it by Tina who came waltzing out of the bedroom wearing nothing but a robe.

"Have you lost your mind? I don't like her either, but now how am I supposed to get anything good to eat? I'm certainly not going to cook for myself. This body was meant to be sexy, not functional. I'm not the homemaker type!"

Larry threw down the bloodied bat next to Aria's corpse and reached out towards Tina to give her a reassuring hug.

"Don't touch me, you're covered in filth! What caused you to lose your mind randomly anyway?"

"She was a Mystic. I have to get rid of the body," Larry said in an urgent tone, while turning back towards Aria's corpse.

Tina's eyes widened and she lifted her hands to her mouth while gasping. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure! I saw her eye color change right in front of me. If I wasn't quick enough, she might have put an evil curse on me or something. I have to get rid of this thing fast," he said while kicking Aria in the side. "I can't have anyone thinking I'm a dirty sympathizer."

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