Teke Teke

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Teke Teke is a violent spirit, known to violently mutilate/murder those who encounter it. The legend states that there was once a young girl playing on a train track, when she got stuck, unable to get up in time, causing in the entire lower half of her body being sliced off by an upcoming train.

She now drags her legless body around on her hands and elbows, making a 'teke teke' sound, hence the name.

Teke teke chases its victims down dark roads. Despite having no legs, a teke teke can run incredibly fast-so fast, in fact, that it can even catch up to victims who are speeding away in cars. When it catches them, something terrible happens. The legends are not always clear what. In some variations of the story the teke teke carries a sickle. It slices its victims in half at the waist and steals their legs.

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