~ 21

359 22 1

A frightened and trembling underclassman

—is what the baffled senior had expected to encounter in today's 'client retrieval act', however today was different. He witnessed the sound of thunder from a clear sky! The unexpected reality of his present was a scary contradiction to his imagination!

Who signed him up for this?! Oh right, it was himself. He wanted this high credit-paying job. The sad senior could only internally cry at having kicked a metal plate this time around.

Yu Yan bent his head to loosen the tightness he felt on his neck, the sound of popping bones coupled with an intense stare down made the beat-up senior tremble on the floor; all the more intimidated. His terminal was just a feet way, his identity and student card revealed to this freshman that he was supposed to put to sleep and place inside the passage. Said freshman should have woken up shortly after and trek the passage until he finds one of their managers at the other end.

Now, not only was the plan a fail, this person now also knew one of the hidden entrances to their place of business.

"Unfortunately, I'm in quite the worst of moods", Yu Yan opened the conversation. "Did you think kidnapping me and swapping persons was going to be easy?" He squinted dangerously and pressed a foot unto the senior's chest, making it hard for the other to breathe.

In the passage's dimmer lighting, Yu Yan had already seen this senior's outfit. It was an exact match to the one he was wearing. Even their builds weren't that far. From the back, no one would find out whether it was Yu Yan or this student wearing the courier's uniform.

It didn't take much to deduce that after he had been stuffed into that hidden passage behind the merchandising freezer, this supposed senior would take his place and exit the freezer to fool others that might look for Yu Yan. Wasn't it easy to say that 'Yu Yan left the kitchen' and mislead others?

Maybe the kitchen staff may have noticed, but what if these people were part of this elaborate setup too?

He recalled having watched a movie with the space pirates who wanted to educate their Captain's child about the consequences of trusting strangers. The female protagonist was kidnapped from her own room and brought to a different country. When she finally escaped the kidnappers and asked the police for help, she was given hope only to have been brought back to the same bad people, her hope crushed. Apparently, the policeman was the eldest son of their household, and the kidnapping of pretty girls was a family hobby. Even the single parent mother was an awful character. Her parenting skills must have sucked so bad to have raised three male abominations that are extremely harmful to society.

Just the female protagonist, nobody would have known where Yu Yan could've went. The worst part about his situation was that he did all this all of his own accord. This did wonders in worsening his mood every time he remembers this fact.

"B-But that's how the s-script goes", the confused senior blurted in his defense.

"What stupid script are you talking about?" Yu Yan squatted down at the senior's eye level, his knuckles on his cheek. "Senior shouldn't make up stupid reasons for unreasonably luring an innocent student here. Who knows since when you've been doing this?"

The senior student glanced at the pitch black eyes that seemed to want to swallow him anytime soon. He intuitively knew that one lie out of his mouth was all it needed to trigger this person into sending him to meet his maker.

Senior: Which part is innocent?! Isn't it murderous?! How about villainous?!
((;゚ Д゚)

Yu Yan, "Tell me the real reason I'm here."

"Re—Real reason y-you're—Weren't you the one who asked to be here?!" The senior student repeated Yu Yan's words until he realized something.

He looked back at Yu Yan in undisguised incredulity and forgot his fright in a sudden surge of disbelief. Even Yu Yan was surprised by his outburst.

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