Chapter 2-The Artist

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Raiyne's pov

Exsousia- The greek word for power ( in this case specifically the power of ones aura )

I have exactly forty-eight hours to figure out what I'm going to wear.

I could always go with a dress I've already worn, but what would be the fun in that?

The two previous Blood Moons that I've been to I was convinced I was going to find my mate. But as the old saying goes, the third time's the charm.

So now the pressure is on for me to find the perfect outfit. And there was no way I was going to wear a recycled dress. Even though there was no way my mate has seen me in either of the previous dresses. Cause if he had of, I wouldn't be attending the Blood Moon gathering in hopes of finding him.

Blood Moons only happen about three times a year, and it's the only time that our kind can find our fated mate. When the moon is high in night sky, and shinning bright, it will reveal who our mate is.

As long as that person, or should I say wolf, is in close proximity to us that is.

My parents describe the second the mate bond snaps into place as magical. It's as if an invisible cord attatches itself to each wolf, and ensures you'll forever be connected to that person, physically and spiritually.

Each Blood Moon, one of the packs takes a turn hosting the gathering, so that if your mate was from a different pack, you could find him or her. If it's not your packs turn to host, and you've already found the one, then you would stay within your own pack lands and join the celebrations there.

It's usually just a large outdoor BBQ with lots of drinking and dancing. Far better than the gathering to find that person was. Those ones, I have found are full of anxiety, and in my case, dissapointment.

Maybe I shouldn't have waited almost a year to go to my first one, but the reality was, I just wasn't ready.

There was a lot of pressure put on us by our elders to find our mate. They would go on and on about how mated couples make the pack stronger, and while that's true, eighteen just seems to young to be putting that kind of pressure on us.

Of course I wanted to find him, but I was also scared that if he wasn't from our pack, I'd have to move and leave my family and friends behind.

That's not something I was looking forward to having to do. My hope is that he's from Blood Stone pack, and we can build our lives here together.

Our pack was hosting this Blood Moon gathering, so at least I didn't have to travel far to get to it. But the question still remained, what was I going to wear?

My mother is a big fan of dresses for these events, but right now I'm leaning towards a nice pair of jeans and a sexy little cleavage showing top. If I pair it with the right shoes,
it would be just as nice as a dress.

Or at least I hope so.

"You've been standing in there for a good twenty minutes, what's the hold up?" Mylah calls out to me.

I shuffle out of the small closet, and flop myself on the bed beside her. "This whole thing is ass. Why could the Goddess not come up with a better way for us to find our fated mate." I complain to an amused looking Mylah.

Her and I have been friends for almost twelve years now, so she was used to my bitching.

"Like how? Did you want her to send us a letter on our eighteenth birthday, telling us who they were?" She says while poking fun of me.

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