36) The actual truth!

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The song dedicated to this chapter- Zaroorat of Ek Villian!

The song dedicated to this chapter- Zaroorat of Ek Villian!

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Rehmaat's POV

Ahhhhhh, a sharp pain is hammering my skull.

I am feeling nauseous and dizzy, but slowly I somehow mustered the courage to open my eyes.

The room was dark, suddenly I remembered what happened to me.

The room is still dark, ooh no I am still in lock-up, that horrible place full of horrible people.

But I remember seeing soul Friend before my body gave up.

"Don't panick Mehr you are safe." I felt a fatherly touch on my head while someone whispered these words in my ear.

Soul Friend! Although I couldn't recognise his voice anymore not clearly atleast , but his nickname for me made me recognise him.

Before I could say anything further a glass of water touched my lips. While I greedily gulped it.

"Bache we'll talk later, firstly eat this you need energy." As these words left his mouth I noticed them standing there. (Bache-Kid)

As I made eye contact with my brother's I felt ashamed. They are meeting me after years, but in what condition,my eyes went down as I slowly felt humiliated.

A few minutes past in silence, nobody said a word but a spoonful of what looked like soup came infront of my line of vision.

My eyes followed the hand that was holding the spoon, to that person's face.

A.V was holding the spoon with soft eyes.

A.V. my Anmol Veera. The man whom I was never close too, whom I haven't seen or talked to in last 6 years, was trying to feed me!

I immediately drank it. In a matter of few seconds I had gulped the liquid completely.

"Rehmaat, what..." R.V was about to say something but I panicked and intruptted him.

"No, I don't want to talk about it." But he seemed in no mood to Stop.

"Just tell me the name and trust me you won't have to say anything else." I could hear the threat in his words, but I don't want to do anything with them.

I want this bloody chapter to be closed in my life. Period.

"No, I don't want to do anything with anyone now. Please I want to go home, I want to go home. Take me home please. Please." I cried.

After enduring everything while shedding just that one Traitor tear, after not breaking down when they didn't trusted me. After that time I was treated as a criminal.

I finally broke, infront of my own. I didn't cried infront of those who were not my own anymore.

But after getting the warmth of my family, my brother's I cried.

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