❰ 1, 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬 ❱

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        The cheerleaders ran through the cheerleading banner excitedly to the cheer camp base

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The cheerleaders ran through the cheerleading banner excitedly to the cheer camp base. Some just ran to the base while others did flips all the way to Shrimpy. The mascot was doing his own little dance moves waiting for the teenagers
Addison, Bree and Aurelia took a pause and admired the place in awe "Cheer camp!" Bree exclaims happily

"Even more sparkly than I dreamed" Aurelia let out a laugh at the bubbly girl while the latter ran towards the structure leaving the two cousins by themselves. The blue eyes girl looked at her white haired cousin, the two shared a nose scrunch before Aurelia left Addison behind and ran after Bree

"Split up!" Yelled Bucky, The girls older brother, no one listened to the Captain as they kept on talking to each other about the Cheer camp and how excited they are. Addison finally reached beside Aurelia. Bucky blew his whistle getting everyone attention and making them split up to two rows, Bucky being Bucky he did an dramatic entrance by doing flips in between the rows as everyone watched his every move

"Yay Bucky!" Everyone cheered for the leader, Aurelia rolled her eyes at her older brother but she let out a small smile and clapped her hands at him while shaking her head. The older boy chuckled ag the attention before making a hand motion to shut everyone up while making a ridiculous face. Everyone did.

"You've all heard the stories of bloodthirsty monsters who roam these woods" Bucky began, shrimpy whimpered behind him at the name of bloodthirsty monsters "feasting on innocent cheerleaders" All cheerleaders all exclaims at his dramatic story telling, Aurelia seemed unfazed as she was used to this. She raised her eyebrows at him.

"Boo!" The Aceys appears behind Bree and Bonzo making the two scream and hug each other out of fear, some others jumped at the loud noise from the three Aceys. Bucky laughs at them. The two separated from each other " Well, those stories are just silly make believe"

"But you better believe we're gonna break you down and build you up into preppy little cheer machines like..."

"Lacey" The cheerleaders clapped for the girl as she walked up in front of Bucky with a big smile. She did a quick high kick while raising her arms "Stacey" The darker girl went beside Lacey and just raised her hands up with a big smile as well "And our most recent Acey, Jacey!" Bucky smiles

The newest acey did a backflip as an entrance after Bucky said his name making everyone applause for the boy. Jacey did a bow at the crowd before turning to the leader "I'm Kevin" The boy corrected, Bucky smile drops at Jacey

The recent acey saw the mood change and quickly corrected himself, "Right... we changed my name to Jacey, which I love by the way" Bucky sarcastically smiled while nodding his head at him. The male acey stammered his words before deciding to stand with the two other girls, who looked slightly embarrassed "Love live the Aceys!" Bucky yelled right after, clapping along with the rest of the cheerleaders

"You three lead the veterans, You're the A-team"

"Addison, Bree, Aurelia, you take the newbies" Bucky instructed the three as the Aceys passed out neon green shirts to the newbies "You're the, uh, you're the z-team" Addison nodded her head at her older cousins before going away to put on the shirt

· · • • • ✤ • • • · ·

"Zombies, this is obviously your first cheer camp" Bucky said his eyes on the Z-team after they all put their neon shirts over their pink ones "Now, I'm not anti-change I'm just pro keeping things the way they are, because you don't mess with success" Bucky smiles widely after doing his infamous jazz hands lazily. He let out a laugh ad the three girls (Bree, Addison, and Aurelia) looked at each other and rolled their eyes at his antics

"This week, the veterans and the newbies will compete for the cheer camp cup to see who is more cheertastic!" Explain the raven haired boy as the Aceys smugly smiled to themselves

"The veterans have always won the cheer Cheer Camp Cup, right Aceys?"

"Right!" The three chanted

"We'll see about that" Challenges Addison, her head up high looking at Bucky, Relia (Aurelia) nodded along Addison's words "To the cheer course!" Ordered the Captain into the riveted megaphone
       Aceys jogged their way through the small space between the two teams "Watch and learn, snowball" Lacey affronted Addison while she passes by her. Aurelia shook her head at the blonde girl, Addison's hair still to this day draws fire to Bucky's posses. Relia turns to her team and faces Addison "Dint worry about them, Addy"

"Addison, Ella, get those poms-poms pumping!" Yelled Bucky to the two girls

"Let's show 'em that we got this" Addison trodden, everyone nodded and yelled a "Yeah!" at her words, Addison turns and lead everyone to the cheer course where the others are waiting for the Z-teams as they are the one to go first

Short I know 🚶🏽‍♀️ but hey I at least posted what everyone was waiting for. I'm not gonna Write the song in this chapter obviously as you can see I'm gonna write in the next one and I promise it'll be longer than this piece of crap 🤭😩

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