Chapter 9

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We both quiet as he pushes slowly inside, my slick walls not offering any resistance. I don't remember the last time I was this ready, this needy, this desperate for someone to fuck me. Every new inch of him inside me is making me want to scream out of happiness, but the knowledge I can't somehow makes me feel him more. Max groans when he's all the way in, pulsating with heat. I contract around him, trapping him inside.

"Hold onto that wall, cause I'm not gonna be gentle," he warns and I grip onto the crumbling paint, leaning my cheek onto it. Maybe I should be scared, but the idea of being roughed up appeals to me.

He withdraws until just the head of his cock is in me, and then thrusts so forcefully back in my pelvis bumps into the wall. I yelp and bite down on my lower lip to muffle my screams, almost painful pleasure shooting up from my belly. He swears in a guttural voice, and tightens his grip on my hips, so I don't move as much with the next one. His legs keep mine caged, and my insides feel like they're being split open with every new stab of his cock. I feel powerless and subdued, at his mercy. To say I like it would be an understatement. I'm burning inside and out, completely consumed by this fire he's stroking inside me.

In this dark, damp space, just a couple of feet from the bustling streets, somehow, everything feels... more.

"Yes, oh God, yes," I pant into the wall, pushing into him. He slows down, letting me set the pace. I keep him deep inside, allowing him shallow thrusts that hit my pleasure point every time. His hand travels to my front, cupping me possessively. With his middle finger, he strokes along my slit, picking up the juices I'm dripping with. Then, he brings it to my mouth and without warning, pushes it inside.

"Suck on it like you'd suck my cock," he orders, his voice a growl. The words just push me further into madness, and I gorge on his finger imagining working him with my mouth. He suckles on my neck, and slaps harder into me, picking up the pace again. My entire body shakes in his rhythm, legs almost hurting from trying to keep myself upright. The pressure that built in me up to this point now slips into my veins like hot honey, and I know I'm close. I can almost taste it on my tongue, sweet and prickly at the same time. He withdraws his finger from my mouth, and quickly finds his way back down.

"I'm gonna come," I whimper, knowing the second he touches my clit I'm going to shatter. But he hovers around it, like I've warned him and now he won't allow it.

"Oh, really?" he breathes into my ear, slipping out. Panic rises in me, sudden hollowness cooling off my blood. I reach behind to bring him back, but he catches my hands by the wrists.

"No, don't stop," I plead, trying to shimmy up to him.

"Maybe you should beg me for it," he offers, going back in slowly. But I need him to go fast, faster than that.


"Beg me, Nat. Say please," he repeats, a slight shakiness in his voice. His cock is twitching in me, hard as steel. He can't be that far off from coming. My entire body is taut, buzzing, primed for a release that's not coming. My mind spins trying to make sense of this, but I'm too far gone to think rationally.

"Fuck you," I finally bite out. A hollow threat considering I'm trapped between him and the wall, with him still in me. But his chest rumbles like an avalanche coming, and when he thrusts in with renewed vigour, I know I said the right thing.

"God, you're perfect," he rasps out and presses down on my swollen nub, giving me what I need. He chases it up with fast slaps of his cock, working me from both sides. Before I know it, I'm right there where we left off, sensing my orgasm like a huge white light behind my closed eyelids. My cheek scraps on the wall, the chalk underneath peeling off. Max's forehead presses on my temple, his impossibly warm breath hitting my sweaty neck. I feel him all around me, like a vibrating field that pulls on all my nerves.

"Come on me, Nat. Give it to me," he orders into my hair, and like that was all I was waiting for, it triggers my orgasm. It barrages through me with a piercing force, powerful enough to shut down my sense of time and space. Vaguely, I register Max's hand closing over my mouth again, but the sensation that rocks me from head to toe is unrelenting, almost threatening, absolutely overwhelming. I'm sure I'm screaming, and from the corner of my eye I see a shadow outside jump behind the cover, but I can't stop myself. The pleasure intense like a burning sun torches me from inside. All I can do is ride it out.

"My God, Nat," Max stutters, buried deeper than ever, spilling into me with small jerks of his hips. The tips of his fingers sink into my cheek, then relax before I can feel any pain. I'm still muzzled by his palm, restrained by his body, filled up by him, but feel liberated like never before. I feel alive. I feel... happy.

Eventually, Max retrieves his hand and eases himself out of me. I don't want to turn around and acknowledge the end. I want to stay in this dark, damp place with him forever.

"Nat," he whispers and turns me to him. Before I can protest, he hugs me. With the softest touch, he caresses my hair and back, and I relax into him. It's in such of stark contrast of what had just happened, it confuses the hell out of me.

"Are you okay?" he asks carefully, bringing me even closer to him.

"Of course," I answer, but I sound detached even to my own ears.

"Was I... Too rough?" He asks with a worry in his voice. I shake my head, surprised he'd think that. His hand sinks into my hair, and gently yanks down on it so I look up to him. "Tell me the truth. Did I hurt you?"

The line between his eyebrows is deeper than ever, his entire face in a fragile restraint. Astonished, I realize he really thinks I might be angry at him for going like that.

"Do I seem like the kind of girl who'd let anyone hurt me?" I say with a smile, trying to ease his worry.

"No," he says, but there's still uncertainty in his voice. I prop myself on my toes to kiss him. He accepts it with a rumble in his chest, tightening his grip on me. We kiss lazily for a minute, like old lovers, and I feel him relaxing. Believing.

"I'm gonna tell you something which I'm sure I'll regret, but serotonin is fucking up my brain so there's no stopping it."

"Yeah?" he says, still chasing my lips, "What?"

"That was probably the best sex I ever had. Honestly." I take his face between my hands, looking straight into those beautiful eyes of his. I want him to know I mean it.

His eyes widen for a moment, and I think I might have scared him. But when my words settle in, a huge grin opens up his face. Of course. Like this would rattle him.

"Ever?" he repeats and walks me back into the wall.

"Yes, ever," I say, before he kisses me long and hard. My limp body suddenly awakens.

"Is it because you hate me?" He asks, digging his fingers into my ass.

"Probably," I moan when he sucks on the sensitive skin under my ear.

"On the other hand, I find you irresistible," he says, now licking the same spot, "I might even be crushing on you."

"What?" I ask, unsure I heard him right. He looks at me tenderly, sweeping my matted bangs aside.

"I really, really want you to come home with me, Nat. I want to spend the night with you. I want to sleep next to you," he says, ignoring my question. Or... is he answering it? His face softens, his voice turning into a whisper. "Will you?"

"Max, I... Are you sure?"

He smiles confidently, hugging me once more.

"Woman, I've never been more sure of anything in my life."

The End

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