Chapter 11 : Smoke

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The whole night my team and I have been tracking down Hugo's location, turns out he moved, which made it even harder. But I had one of my men track through the system. And in the morning, bingo. We all stock up on guns and explosives. I actually put on a bullet proof vest today. My men were even shocked. I never do on my missions, maybe it's because death never scared me. I didn't care, I had nothing really to live for. But now, now I have Amara. I need to live for Amara.

In the next hour, the SUVs were out and heading to the location.

We arrive at a mansion. Of course Hugo was expecting us, he had guards everywhere. So we hid in a distance and shot an explosive at the guards. Just like that, they're gone. I signal for my men to head inside. I have over 100 men breaking in. They will kill any guard and check every room for Amara.

We head inside. Hugo's guards are pathetic. It's so easy to predict their next move. I easily beat up and shoot the guards. I make sure to stand behind and shoot around corners. We throw explosives at where there are more guards. Walls break, decor is shattered everywhere. And the air is filled with grey smoke. Now that my men have destroyed majority of the guards, I start kicking down doors. It feels like none of the rooms have her. I'm making silent duaas.

Suddenly I kick one door down, and there she is. Tied up to a chair...bleeding. This makes my blood boil. I run to cut her rope open. She looks drowsy. I see her face, someone must of hit her. I feel my heart hurt in agonizing pain at the sight. Her throat- it's slit. One I've untied her, I'm caught by surprise as she shoots up to hug me. I feel her sobs as she squeezes me. I cant help but have my eyes sting with tears. Just then, I hear an explosion outside. This causes Amara to squeeze me even tighter.

"Mari, it's gonna be okay, I'm right here. But we need to get out before they send back up." I look at her. Suddenly her eyes begin to close, and then, she faints but I catch her just in time, "Amara? Amara hang in there." I pick her up bridal style and run out.

I catch some of my female guards and command them to take Amara back to the mansion as soon as possible where I have called a doctor there.

I run through the fog looking for Hugo. Then my walkie talkie beeps, "Sir we have found him on the second floor." I head there.

My men have grabbed Hugo with his hands behind his back. His absolutely disgusting face makes me even more mad. I signal my men to drop him and leave. I go up to him and punch him with all my power. I see his tooth fall out as he falls to the ground.

He looks up at me with a bloody smile, "Your wife sure is pretty, even prettier with the cuts I gave h-." I kick his stomach. I pick him up by his collar, and punch him again at his nose. I knee him where it hurts. I take out a blade. And push it into his neck, so he can know how it feels. His agonizing screams give me satisfaction. I slit him deep as I see blood pour out.

Just then, he tries getting up to attack me and cuts the side of my lip with the blade. But then I take the blade and stab it into his stomach, which makes his eyes almost pop out. I take the knife out and stab him multiple time, each time remembering my poor Mari. I stab him with all my power I stab him as I let a single tear roll down my face because I failed to protect Amana from this. Lastly, I take out my gun, I can see that he's a little awake, trying to survive. I shoot his hand, which makes him twitch with the power he has left. I then bring the gun between his eyebrows.

I spit, "Burn in hell." And with that I shoot. I'm covered in his wretched blood. But I hurry home to see Amara.


There doctor is standing outside the bedroom talking to Agnus. "Is she okay?" I ask in fear.

The doctor looks down and back at me which makes my stomach flip, "Mr. Alfera, I have treated her cheek and wrists, and thankfully, the slit wasn't too deep on her throat. But the reason she fainted wasn't that."

"What is it then?!" I ask eagerly.

"Mr. Alfera, Congratulations, you are about to become a father."

I stand there in shock. What. I then remember, the first night. It all makes sense now. I let a smile escape, we're going to have a baby.


I'm sitting on a bed, with a weird drip thing next me me. My wrists are bandaged. And I cant move my neck because it's wrapped. I don't really remember what happened. Just that Elias saved me, and then I passed out. I woke to see that Dr. Barbra had already treated my cuts and she asked me weird questions like when my period was. Now that I think about it, I didn't have my period this month.

Elias walks in and sits down next to me.
"I'm so sorry..." he says as he puts my hair behind my ears.

"It's not your fault."

"I took care of Hugo, I gave him a painful death."

I notice a cut on the side of his lips. "Elias, your lip."

"Don't worry about that. But I need to tell you something." He's smiling. What is there to smile about when I'm in pain? "You're pregnant."


"Yeah. The doctor tested and it came back positive. We're going to have a baby."

It's so much to take in. Me? Having a baby? With Elias? Oh my god.


I'm exhausted so I sleep most of my day, I felt Elias massaging my arms as I fell asleep. I wake up to see Elias, with his knees on the floor and his head and hands on my arms. He must've been so tired. I carefully move over and tug on Elias's sleeve to pull him on the bed.

Elias dramatically wakes up, "Amara? Are you okay? Do you need anything?"

"No, just come sleep onto the bed." I whisper. He rubs his eyes and takes off his bloody shirt. He comes under the blanket and I snuggle with him, I feel safe.



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