Chapter 11

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ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ 11

꧁𝕋𝕒𝕒𝕣𝕒'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍꧂

I knew I did a mistake. I shouldn't have said that out loud. Now knowing that I love him back but still rejecting him will hurt more than before. He will not let me go that easily knowing that he has the same effect on me.

"Finally, finally you said it baby. You love me, I love you that's all that matters to me. You are mine now." He said.

"No. I'm not anyone's. I didn't agree to get into a relationship. I can't."I said.

"But you said you love me." He said in a confused tone.

By now I was out of his grip and had taken a few steps back. Rhea immediately rushed towards us and pushed me to her back.

"Woah. Woah. Bro! She said she doesn't want to get into a relationship and now I'm taking her along with me." She caught my wrist, took my bag and dragged me out of there before the other students and teachers would come back.

After we were out of there we ran into the hostel and she was convincing the warden that we are sick and would like to go home.

"But you look perfectly fine to me." The warden said to Rhea.

"I might look fine but I'm sick from inside." Then she looked at me and said, "But look at her, look at her pale face, doesn't she look exhausted, I think both of us caught a flu. Can we please go back home for a few days? Anyways our events are done, classes won't be happening for the whole week so there's no harm in taking some rest at home right? We will be back the next week." She somehow managed to convince the warden.

"Ok fine then. So can we leave today itself. I don't want the others to catch the flu too so before it spreads we can just leave right? That would be the safe thing to do in my opinion." She showed her best fake smile.

"I think it would be fine but it's late night. How will you both go home at this hour?" She asked.

"We will drive. Like we haven't got sick enough to not be able to drive back home so before we get that sick I think we should leave." Both of us were hoping that she would agree.

She thought for awhile."I don't think it would do any harm but I'm informing your parents and only then you'll leave." She said.

"Just inform Taara's mom we both are staying there for awhile." Rhea said and I nodded my head.

"Ok then"she said.

She called my mom and my mom answered the call right away.

"Yes ma'am. Is there anything wrong?" I heard my mom asking through the phone.

"No no miss Sen. It's just that both Taara and Rhea are feeling sick and they said that they wanna stay at yours for the whole week. I called to inform you that they want to leave right now." She said.

"Oh that's fine. I'll be waiting for them." My mom said.

"Thank you Miss Sen and please make sure you inform me when they reach home." She said. Wow she cares a lot about us. I smiled.

"Sure ma'am. I'll be ending call then." My mom said in a sweet tone.

"Yeah sure." They ended the call.

She turned to us and said that we can leave right away. Immediately we got into our room, packed all our necessities in a hurry and left the hostel and the campus before an insane Rohan could come chasing us.

I was riding my bullet while she was driving in her lembo with both of our bags in the back seat. We reached my home and was welcomed by a worried sick mom who hugged us too tight and started checking us if we are fine at the door step.

"Mamma, I'm perfectly fine." I said.

"What about you?" She asked Rhea.

"I'm also fine." She said.

"Then why are you here? Your warden said you both are sick." She asked.

"Oh that....we didn't want to stay there and also whole week there's no class so we came here." Rhea shrugged.

I shooted my mom a nervous grin and she shook her head.

"These idiots!" I heard her mumble.

"We are really tired mom especially after someone over here got herself a boyfriend." I smirked at Rhea.

"Bitch-"Rhea silently mouthed.

"Is that true Rhea? You finally got a boyfriend? How is he? Is he cute? Is he a good person? Are you sure he will take good care of you?" My mom shooted her a lot of questions.

"Mom, don't worry. I have personally evaluated him and he's a really sweet and a patient guy. And this idiot had been crushing on him for a long time and now finally he asked her out and she agreed. By the way his name is Rishi."I said and Rhea was standing there blushing.

"Rishi and Rhea..... nice!" My mom said.

"Auntyyyyy~!!!"Rhea whined.

"And yeah he's from a well off family too so uncle and aunty would be fine too. Anyways they have been really upset that she's single so they'll be really happy to hear this." I said.

"Excuse me people?! It's just been my first day in a relationship. I'm still new to all these so stop going thinking that far. We are not getting married tomorrow itself!" Rhea huffed and me and mom started giggling.

"Urghhh I'm done with you all." She said and ran upstairs secretly smiling.

"So that's about her. What about you? How was your day?" My mom diverted the question to me.

"It was fine." Unable to smile whole heartedly when today's events flashed in my mind.

"Lie. Tell me what's wrong?" She turned to me.

I contemplated if I should finally tell her everything and decided that I will. Something gave me the impression that if not today then maybe never.

"So....months back I told you about Rohan, right? A guy who said that he likes me? The chairman's son? Rohan Khurrana?" I started.

"Yeah..." She said.

"He kind of proposed me infront of the campus but Rhea saved me." I said.

"So you rejected him?" She asked.

"Kind of. I just told him my reason." I said.

"You like him?" She asked and I tensed.

"I asked you something Taara." The tone in which she called my name told me that she was dead serious and she expects an honest answer.

"Y-yes I do but I'm not up for any relationship. I have other priorities." I said.

"Hmm. Fair enough. You know I will never force you into any relationship neither will I force you to cut you ties with anyone. I have myself gone through a forced relationship that failed terribly so in no way I would do the same mistake my parents did. Just choose what your heart wants you to because when your heart is happy, your life will be happy. As soon as that happiness vanish understand that the relationship has become a chain dragging you to an endless pit." She said and continued with the dinner preparations.

To be continued.....

To be continued

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