Chapter Eight

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"Wow, you look really familiar, (Y/n)" you chuckle nervously at Korran.

You try to keep up with his questions as much as possible.

"I do?"

"Yes, you look like avatar Aang's guider, you even have the same name as her!" the boy exclaims brightly.

"Well, you see, my mother really liked the avatar and his guider so she named me after her" you lie.

"Oh, nice...well, I'm the next avatar"

Korran bends fire and water on each hand to prove his words.

"Yeah, that's pretty cool," you say with a simple tone, unaware of how uninterested you looked while uttering those words.

But truthfully, your mind is occupied with something entirely different.

Your mother.

Yes, your mother, you are thinking about your mother, you saw an animated version of her on the show.

So, does that mean your mother was also in this universe?!

Korran blushes, looking away from you awkwardly.

"I thought you be impressed, guess being the avatar is not that impressive after all"

You snap out of your thoughts, to look at Korran, before grabbing into one of his hands.

"Nah, I think it is awesome to be able to bend four elements while trying to protect order and peace"

The Avatar's eyes lighten up at your words.

"Really!"  you smile, feeling at ease that the mood is lightened up once again.

"Yup, I think it is amazing" the tan-skinned boy beams at you joyfully.

"Glad to know... So what type of bender are you?"

"Huh?"  you look dumbfounded at him, before processing the question.

"I'm a waterbender" you reply.

Of course, you can't say you are an Airbender, Firebender, Earthbender, or even a non-bender


Because it would sound suspicious, so if you say waterbender it would be less doubtful, and he won't talk further about it.

But you are wrong

"Sweet! We could train together then"

"...yes, that sounds wonderful"

"So, why were you unconscious?"

You were expecting this question to come out, and you were not sure how to answer it without sounding weird.

Changing the subject might sound like a great idea.

"Well, I will answer your question, but for now I need to ask a very important question"

"Sure, go ahead"

"Do you know the name of Avatar Roku's guider?"

"Yes, of course, who doesn't know her, the infamous lover of both Roku and Sozin"

You raise an eyebrow at him.

"The infamous lover?"

"Yes, it is said that she was in a polyamorous relationship with both the avatar and Firelord"

Oh, no, please.

"I don't remember something like that in the show" you mumble to yourself.

"What was her name?" you inquire.


Before you could speak out again, a familiar woman enters the room.

But, freezes once she sees a girl, you, laying on her son's bed.

"Don't mind me, you two can cuddle and kiss as much as you want, you two love birds-"


ᴍɪss Aɪʀʙᴇɴᴅᴇʀ༄ Dᴀʀᴋ! ATLA/LOK ᴠᴀʀɪᴏᴜs Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu