Grandma Was a Rolling Stone

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Grandma Was A Rolling Stone.

"Eric! The Lip-master!"

BECKETT WAS SITTING in the Matthews' living room, watching Morgan color what looked like her family, when Eric sauntered in with a bowl of lucky charms cereal. He promptly ignored the girl he sat beside and trained his eyes on his little sister.

It had become a usual occurrence for the girl to be over there 'babysitting' even if everyone was home. Amy claimed she need the extra help, but clearly that was a ruse. Beckett thought that maybe she just liked the company, considering the teen always had a listening ear and friendly conversation.

Beckett didn't really like being home much anyways.

"Morgan, you know what time it is!" Eric said enthusiastically, shaking the bowl in his hands. Morgan jumped from her spot and stood in front of her brother with a big grin.

"This is my brother Eric, he's very shy." She recited in a monotone voice, causing a deep frown to make its way onto Beckett's face. She crossed her arms as the boy put one of the marshmallows in Morgan's mouth and pat her head.

"Good girl!"

"Eric?" Beckett questioned, "What are you doing?"

"Quiet! This takes focus." He threw his hand up into her face. Beckett rolled her eyes in response.

"I'm gonna help Eric meet girls!" Morgan said as Amy walked in, a mischievous smile on her face. "My brother thinks you are so cute!"

She opened her mouth for a marshmallow.

"So this is why you've been taking her to the mall!" Amy laughed, but Beck shook her head,

"So this is why you've been taking away my paychecks!" She pinched his arm.



"Well.. I think it's great!" Amy said, sitting down beside the pair.

"You do?" They said in unison, though Beck's was much more appalled. Eric pet his sister on the head as she munched on the marshmallow.

"I think it's the perfect way for you and your sister to spend quality time together."

"Well, you know, some guys use a golden retriever, I figured, why not use the weasel here?"

Another protest was making its way up Beckett's throat, when a loud car horn rung through the house to the tune of 'La Cucaracha'. While the girl was confused, the Matthews' all seemed to light up in their own ways.

"It's Grandma!" The children both ran up to the front door, but Beck looked to Amy for elaboration.

"She's a character." Is what Amy settled for. Beckett nodded with amusement as the door swung open, revealing Grandma Matthews. She was wearing all sorts of fun patterns, sunglasses, and a hat. She carried a few bags with her and had a wide, confident smile.

"It's grandma! I'm coming through." She frantically waltzed in and threw her bags down.

Hm! Character indeed!

"I've been sitting on my keister for ten hours in that winnebago I need some stretching room!"

She said her hellos to Morgan, who immediately asked where her present was. Beck laughed.

"Uh oh! What have we here?" Grandma Matthews asked, pulling out a shrunken head! Though Morgan had happily mistaken it for a dolly and ran off with it.

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