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"Okay, so first we have Yelena. She's seven; likes my little pony, peppa pig and blues clues. She likes to draw, colour and books. She doesn't like yelling, suffers from severe night terrors and has to wear protection. She's been in the system for about two years."

Maria nods in understanding as she sets down the young girls file, "and her sister?"

Lauren, her case worker, nods, "Natasha. She's twelve. Quiet. Doesn't really speak. She likes riding her bike, reading, music. Like her sister, she doesn't like yelling, physical touch, and also suffers from night terrors. She's also been in the system for about two years."

"Have they been together?" Maria wonders as she eyes the two photos in front of her. There was a photo of Yelena; a cute little blonde wearing a pink striped shirt clutching a my little pony doll. And then there was Natasha with her blue hair, wearing a white and yellow shirt. Neither were smiling, and if Maria was being honest, the haunted look in Natasha's eyes alarmed her in more ways than she was comfortable admitting.

"For the most part. We've had people interested in Yelena, but without her sister, she just refuses settle."

Maria looks up, her decision already made, "I'll gladly take them in. Will they be coming today?" If so, she has to get bedrooms sorted.

Lauren nods as she puts away the girls files into her briefcase, "Yes. I'll call their social worker the second I get back to my office." She stands up, hooking her purse over her shoulder.

"Do the girls need anything? Clothes, toys?" Maria asks as she leads her to the front door.

"Yelena needs protection. Pull-ups, diapers, your choice. Grab some in a larger size too, I'm not sure if Natasha wears them anymore but it's better to be safe than sorry. As far as I know both girls have enough clothes, but neither has toys except for Yelena's pony." Lauren explains as she pulls open the front door and steps outside, and Maria nods as she wonders just how much time she has before the girls get here.

"I can give you two hours." Lauren says as if she could read her mind, "that'll give you time to get bedrooms sorted too."

"That'll be great," Maria smiles, and Lauren nods before bidding the woman a goodbye. After watching her drive away, Maria grabs her purse, phone and car keys.

The journey to target was quick and painless, and she was soon walking through the aisles with a shopping cart full of everything that she was sure would be needed. She'd picked up diapers for Yelena, pull-ups for Natasha along with some baby wipes for quick clean up. Two fluffy blankets had made their way in too; something Maria hoped would be comforting for the girls. She'd also grabbed some children's movies, a few age appropriate toys for Yelena; a remote control dog and two colouring books, and an art set for Natasha.

And just in case it was needed, she'd picked up a couple outfits for both girls along with a set of pyjamas.

She was soon driving back home, the trunk of her car full and a smile on her face. It takes three journeys back  to the car to bring it all inside, and she decides that for right now, she'd put the girls in the same room just until they were more comfortable with their surroundings.

She makes both beds with their new blankets and a few pillows that were kept in storage. A small toy chest sat in front of Yelena's bed, her new toys inside and she sets Natasha's art set on the end of her bed. Both girls pyjamas get folded and placed on their pillows; a unicorn set for Yelena and a teddy bear set for Natasha, and she puts the outfits away in the closet. The diapers and pull-ups are put away too, because she didn't know what the reaction to them would be, and before she knew it, the familiar sound of the doorbell ringing fills her ears.

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