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"I don't want to go." Yelena pouts as she stares down at the woman tying her shoe. It was about a week later, and Maria had decided it was time to get some school stuff in for their return in a few days.

"I know sweetheart, but you don't really have a choice." Maria attempts to appease as she finishes and brings herself upright again, hoisting her purse onto her shoulder and holding out her hand.

Natasha was already ready and had been waiting by the door for the past ten minutes. Getting Yelena to cooperate had been slightly more difficult than Maria had expected.

"But I don't wanna."

Maria gives Natasha a nod allowing the 12 year old to unlock and open the front door, "You don't want a new backpack? Or lunchbox or some new clothes? That's all we're doing today baby. You don't have school for a few more days." She scoops Yelena up into her arms when the child begins to stubbornly drag her feet and carries her out to the car.

"Can I sit in the front with you?" Natasha asks as she grabs the door handle.

Maria eyes her as she situates a stubborn Yelena into her car seat, "If you sit in your booster seat then yes." Natasha was still small enough to have to ride in a booster seat much to her dismay, and the two times they'd gone out in the car, it had been a battle getting her to sit in it. It had ended up in tears once, because the girl had thought sitting in the booster seat made her a baby, so maybe sitting up front with her would help her feel grown up.

"I wanna sit in the front." Yelena whines as Maria buckles her up, arching her back in an attempt at getting free.

Maria shakes her head as she gently pushes her back down and successfully buckles her up, "You're much to small to sit up front baby, I'm sorry." She apologises, pressing a kiss to her head before closing the door.

Natasha was already sat and buckled, in her booster seat much to Maria's surprise.

"Good girl," the woman praises as she starts the car, reaching back for her seatbelt and buckling herself up. "Thank you for listening."

Natasha nods, cheeks flushing red.

"I want my song." Yelena calls, and Maria glances back at her as she pulls out of the driveway.

"You want your song..." she trails off, and she hears Yelena huff before a muffled 'please' fills her ears.

Maria nods as she holds her phone out to Natasha, eyes not leaving the road, "Natasha, my phones already connected by Bluetooth. Go onto the music app. There's a playlist called Yelena."

Natasha complies, and soon enough 'bye bye miss American pie' had filled the car. Yelena giggles happily as she attempts to sing along, and Maria rolls her eyes playfully as she comes to stop at a red light.

"So have we decided which backpacks you guys want?" She wonders, leaning her elbow against the door and resting her cheek on her hand.

"I want a frozen one." Yelena says as she kicks her legs and stares distractedly out of the window.

"That's a good idea," Maria replies as she eases the car forward, "What about you Natasha?"

The girl still needed direct prompting for her to answer any questions that were directed at both Yelena and herself.

"Uhh, I don't know." Natasha murmurs, and Maria nods.

"That's okay. We can choose what looks good when we get there." Maria reassures, and Natasha nods as she brings her attention back to what was going outside.

Maria had soon pulled up outside of target. The plan was to come here for school supplies; such as backpacks, lunch bags and whatnot, and the mall for clothes. She didn't know if they'd get both done today. After all, both girls weren't in the best of moods. Yelena especially. It was another bad night last night.

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