Chapter Three

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"Where is your house? Kevin will give you a lift, (Y/n)"

Gwen inquires, putting you under the pressure of giving them your address.

"No need to, I can walk there, thanks for the offer, but I like walking"

Kevin raises an eyebrow at your business to leave them, feeling suspicious of your behaviour.

"This means your house is not far, I don't mind walking you there" Ben announces cheerfully.

"There's no need to, I can walk myself there" you insist.

Gwen presses his lips together, narrowing his green eyes at you, before deciding to pressure you more.

"Tell us the truth about yourself"

"What truth? I don't know what you are trying to imply, but I have nothing to hide, Gwen" you glare back at the redhead.

"See you later, or maybe not," you say, starting to walk away from the trio without care.

However, Gwen forces you back towards them, using magic.

"You are not going anywhere until you tell me who are you exactly" Ben asserts.

"And no lies, or things won't end up being good for you, sweetie" Kevin threats you mockingly.

"Yeah...ok I will tell you everything you need to know"

But before you could say anything, your world blacks out.

Gwen, Ben and Kevin stare with wide eyes at the spot you just were in.

"Did she just disappear?" Been stutters out the question.

"It appears so"

Gwen clutches his jaw in anger at what just occurred.

"We will meet her again, I'm sure"


"Hello, are you awake? wake up"

You open your eyes slowly, only to see a pretty boy with blond hair staring at you with his blue eyes.

He's wearing a ballet outfit designed for boys, and it seems that you are laying in a backyard.

The boy seems to be the same age as you, maybe a bit older.

"What are you doing in my backyard? don't tell you are participating in my brother's stupid experiment"

He says as he helps you stand back up on your feet.

"What? No...who are you?"

The ballerina boy rolls his eyes at you, crossing his arms.

Just when he was about to introduce himself, a voice shouts out his name.

"Dee Dee!"

A red-haired boy storms up to his older brother looking extremely angry and ready to punch someone in the face.

Dee Dee?

Red-haired boy wearing glasses and a lab coat?


"Where is it? Spat it out?"

"I don't know what you are speaking about, Dexter" Dee Dee says innocently, annoying his younger brother.

Dexter then notices you, standing there beside Dee Dee.

He blushes when he also notices that you are staring at him.

"Who is your friend, Dee Dee?"

The said boy is surprised by Dexter's words.

"My friend? I thought she was your friend"

"What? no, I don't have any female friends"

The two boys turn to you, waiting for an explanation.

However, their mother calls for them.

"Dexter, Dee Dee, time for dinner"

A woman walks out into the backyard, she has blond hair and brown eyes.

Wait, isn't Dexter's hot mom a redhead?

"Oh, you have a friend over, please come in and have dinner with us," the woman says kindly.

"Honey, I prepared the table"

Your eyes widen in shock, and your face heats up as a tall handsome red-haired man walks up to stand beside his wife.

Dexter's dad is so rad.

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